wRiTiNg sOMe Sad PoEmS or QuoTeS wHen i'm aLoNe,pLayiN OldiEs bUt GoodIes SoNg in mY GuiTar, i LovEd LisTeNiNg tO eMo BandS LiKe (TaKiNg BacK SuNdAy) my FaVoRiTe EmO BanD ! HHhhMMmm wHat eLsE CaN i SaY ???weLL i Loved tO rEaD BoOk's AbOuT LoVe,HurT,SadnEss,dEpReSsIoNs,waTcHing T.V hmm LiFe wiLL bE sO bOrIng wItHOuT EnTerTaiNmenT..
%D%A%D%Ai'M nOt tHat PickY wHen it coMes to Choose a FriEnd As Long As ur Fun to Be wiTh,NiCe,ShOwInG sOme ResPecT on mE Dun wOrrY i'll Give YouR rEsPeCt bAcK,SoMeOnE whO Love TaKiNg BaCk SunDaY aNd faLL OuT BoY LiKe i Do, SOmEonE whO LoveS MuSic mOretHan tHeir SeLf , SOmeOne wHO CanT LIvE wItHOuT MuSic in tHeir Life,SoMe wHo wiLL LoveD mE fOr jUst a SimpLe aS i Am .... %D%A%D%A%D%A
it depend's on my mood ... but my genre/influences of music is definitely eMo i dunno why i rili likes to listen emo band's like DashBoard,Taking Back Sunday,The Used,Thursday,TypeCast Laguna,My Chemical Romance,Fall Out Boy,Funeral for a Friend,Rufio,Thorn for every hearts,Matchbook Romance,Sao-Sin,Alexis on Fire,Under-Oath,Tears oF SoPhia,Finch,All American Rejects,American Hi-Fi .... n sum indie band playin that kind of music..
i lOve mOvIeS aBouT wAr/cOld wAr, abOuT pAsT, aBouT sCiEnCe, SoMe ArT fiLmS, KoReAn mOvIeS,JaMaIcAn,Sci-Fi,HoRrOR,hhmmm FiLmS aBouT lOVe and haTreD, oH i 4gOt ComEdY fiLmS..
tHe aNaRcHy coOk BoOk,The Art of Living,The Art of War(Bitches
aLL tHe pEopLe tHat aCCepTinG me aS i aM .. ^_^,, wEll tHiS iS Me