Nos gustaria que nos agregaran a su espacio las personas que nos simpatizan y miran el programa regularmente.
Canal 66Aqui tenemos algunas fotos del programa del 14 de Agosto. Here are some pictures that we took from the show on August 14. Off to a good start....Dj Freddy showing off the talent with the mic...Shoutouts given out by Kalily and Dj Freddy, thanx to the people on myspace...As you can see there was a few shoutouts...Dont they make a nice couple??Rainbow power with Mr. Fashiooon!!!Time to kick our little friend's ass...Daniel was planning a way to ambush him...And down he goooeess!!!These are the pictures that we took for our show on the 28th of August...Estas son las fotos que tomamos en el programa del 28 de Agosto...Kalily and Dj Freddy mixing it up!!Ripping Efren's t-shirt off...Fashiooooon!!!!Break from Society tearing it up LIVE on the show!!!BFS-Marc and Smokey on the backgroundBFS-Shamu!!Interviewing the guys from BFSHaving a couple of laughsThe girl that had her Tosho Morosho tattoo done a week beforeThe whole Tosho Morosho Team from left to right:Dj Freddy-Daniel-Kalily-Andres-Shrek