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FutboL, other sports, photography, computers graphics/engineering (science/math), *hiM*, theater/plays/musicals! and my music!
people from all different parts of the world (so far I've met the greatest one already)
A LOT! techno, hip hop, R&B, spanish pop and rock, mariachi, alternative, punk rock, and basically stuff u can danCE too!
COMEDIES!, dramas, musicals, action, and the occasional ChiCk FlickS! and some horror..but thats only b/c its funny to yell in the theater "Run, Bitch, RUn!"(learned from trent) and then throw popcorn or rasins in the audience wen the screen goes black! (haha..learned that one from chaynA!)
umm..when do i ever watch tV??? last thing i could remember was i loved cartoonS! and some novelas! dude, "Hey ArnolD" was my shiT! but a days...its usually What Not to Wear! haha
harry potter bookS!which is still need to finish! haha, Twilight, and romance novels and action or drama..but usually its always fiction
mi Juan, my dad, MARISSA, y Dios
i love this girl forever...PLUS I lovE this girl down here
and I miss these people
Juan: "i promise u the world with me mi amor. i promise u that u will always have me by ur side. i'll do anything to keep ur heart from feeling pain i will be ur heart's slave, day and night, forever, even after my hearts stops pumping my colombian blood." thats my super hero - te amo mi amor y para siempre