Hi Im Tiger. Im a domestic shorthair and this is my 3rd myspace account. My others were deleted by hackers :(! I've lost more the 600 furends between the two accounts and happy to say I found a lot back. I have yellow eyes and I live here with my mommy. I really do like it here :)
Im an indoor cat but once in a while I get to go outback - fenced in - with super vision! I wont climb over because I am too heavy to jump over that tall fence that mommy is even shorter then!! Only outdoor cats with experience can make such great jumps!
Thats another thing.. I am F-A-T! I'm a fat girl and feel free to comment on my belly! I am so fat because i hate to excersize! I am hoping to find all my furends back and to meet some new ones in the process :)
And this one goes on top since I won 1st place! Thanks all who voted for me!
Horray I won 2nd place!! Thanks all who voted for me!
Look.. I won 3rd place!! Thanks all who voted for me!
For Cats Only
whats your name? Tiger
How did you get your name? the people who gave me to mommy named me that and mommy thought it fit
what's your birthday? January 31st
How many lives do you have left? 8
Are you spayed or neutered? yes
what color are you? striped
Short hair or long hair? short
Who's your best friend? Lots on here
How many hours of beauty sleep do you get a day? LOTS SO MANY
Favorite place to nap? upstairs
Are you an indoor or outdoor cat? indoors
What is your favorite food brand? Iams
what is your favorite toy? my baby mousie (my layout)
who is your hero? my best furends
Do you like talking pictures ? no
Do you get along with dogs? no
Who would you like to meet? more furends
What's your favorite kitty treats? idk
What is favorite pet store? none
Do you like going to the vet? NO!
Have you ever been to jail AKA Animal shelter? Thank the Lord, no
Who is your favorite human? grandma
How many brother and sisters do you have?what are their names? none, sadly
Describe yourself with one word? fatbaby
1. Are you wearing a collar?
No, I dislike collars very much!! They bother me terribly, and I go crazy until Mommy takes it off me.
2. What color is it?
It WAS pink.
3. What room are you in now?
The family room.
4. Is this room where you sleep?
Sometimes... Usually yes, My sleeping spot often changes. But I usually hang out in this room at night.
5. Do you eat canned food?
6. What's your favorite kind?
Well, the only kind I was ever on is Iams Weight Control. I know now it's bad, and Mommy is working on changes my food :).
7. What is your best feature?
8. What is your worst feature?
Well, I guess Im kinda fat, But who says its not cute?
9. Do you like your litter pan?
Yes!! I use it all the time!
10. Do you stay in it for a long time or do you jump right out?
I always stay in to bury it so it doesn't stink up the house, and also I don't want humans to see!
11. What makes you purr?
When I get pet.
12. Do you like to cuddle?
13. Do you go outside?
Only in the backyard with a fence... supervised.
14. Do you ever wander?
15. Have you ever been lost?
16. Did you come from the shelter or a home?
A home. A furends kitty had 5 babies and I was the only one with stripes!!18. What pisses you off?
I get angry sometimes when Mommy holds me too long. Also when strangers I dont like want to touch me.
19. What is your favorite toy?
Well these days I really like this toy small blue and orange lobsters.
20. Do you knead soft things with your paws?
Yes, all cats do I think!!
21. Do you get along with other cats?
I am like the kitty who filled this out before me. Only cat.22. Are you declawed?
Yes, But only because "Soft Paws" was not an option when I was delclawed.23. Have you ever piddled on the floor?
24. Have you ever had a leash put on you?
25. Does your mommy talk "baby talk" to you?
Why, yes, all the time!!
26. What is/are your nickname(s)?
Precious, Baby Girl, Little Love, Lovey, Girlie, Baby, My Girl, My Love, My Baby, Cutie, Young Love (she doesn't understand why she calls me that!)
27. Do you like people food?
Ice Cream, Chicken, Ham, Turkey, Cheese!
28. Do you get Christmas presents?
Of Course!!
29. Do you like mommy or daddy best?
30. How did you get your name?
Mommys furends already named me so she just kept it!!