Erin profile picture


This is Tickle . . .

About Me

I'm . . . I work too much... I go to school ... I sleep . I'm learning how to play the bass something I've always wanted to do . . . it's my newest passion. I like to talk a lot. I always smell pretty. Make up and hair is fun. Dancing is good. I like change. I'm a good friend and very loyal , generally to a fault, but hey that's just how it works. I like pygmy horses . . . okay love them. And there is nothing more funny than watching people fall and animals getting it on. I love people, but I definitely need my alone time; usually to listen to music and draw animals . . . doing it.
Oo o oo o h and i love them hot boys !!!

. . I hope you liked me."

My Interests

The bass . . . ta k i ng p i ctures . . . don't let me loose with your digital camera , you get 70 pictures of me, rocks, random people walking ususally too fast for me to get them, license plates ( pretty much general surroundings ) . I love driving especially when other people pay for my gas. I love corn . . . yum my yum y um.
"It's all just a bit of silliness"

Thank You Everyone For Coming!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Oh man . . . in life? U m mm . . . I don't really know. On Here ?
Nice People.


Hed PE, C at Stev en s, Hot A ction Cop, Ra ge Agai nst The Machin e, R olling St o nes, P ixies, Primus , Zeppeli n, I lik e a lot more , but this wil l take too long . . .


All ti me favorites : Harold And Maude, Pie ces Of Apr il, Eternal S unshine Of The Spotl ess Mind, La dder 49, Walk the Line, May , Tit us and Super Troop ers.


Gilm ore Girls, Simpsons, Jeop ardy, The Ri che s, West Coast Cho ppers, an d Sp ong e Bob.


Chronic les of Na rni a, The Ne veren ding Stor y :) , A Wr in k le i n Tim e ( i heart kid ' s books ) , A S eri e s of Unf o rt unat e Eve nts . . . Inte rvi ew W ith th e Vamp ire, Th e Da V inci Cod e, Guns , Ger ms and St eel . . . N E Th a ng Shakesp ear e ! ! !


I don 't think I have o ne . . . I do howev er like Superman!