About Me
cop shoot at me he a hero vise versa imma criminal/ premedated intentional/ states holdin me for ransom bail money substantial/ 5-0 get a pat on the back an a bonus im wanted/ hands aint up imma gonna/ fuk enditements they want me lifeless/ chief smilin one less minority wildin/ we just survivn tell me im lien/ lookin foward home & kids instead a bid/ 25 above for some drugs slap on im a thug/ fuck it remain thuggin till my tomb/ how u think evidence left its room/ vetts playin rookies to toss us cookies look how they did Tookie/ recieved a nobal prize he still died/ used him for an example threw him away like a pamper/ look at Bush ran in afghanistan,pakistan,iran/ & iraq cornered the market prices got jacked/ first came recession then inflation/ he's the worlds most hated & still gonna get comemorated/ why the good die young/ cuz the earth left with deamons & heathons/ we are the apacolypse Jesus aint stoppin it Tha Lord just watchin it