roc 25 profile picture

roc 25

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

my name is Rahsaan, everyone calls me 'roc' for short. Just graduated from college and living on my own. My aol sn is rocfather25, feel free to contact me anytime. But for those, who wish to know more about me, things that aren't known, just by looking at my page. for overall information. I root for the bad guy, because I am the bad guy. Good guys always get turned on, with bad guy, you already know what they are about, lol. Mets, Knicks and Redskins kick ass. My second fave teams, Cardinals and Colts. I love University Kentucky Basketball(but Bonnies all the way!)I'm an attention whore, I love being the center of attention, and if I have a girl, I spoil her, and she will be my center of attention, I of course, expect the same. I'm a sexist, arrogant, cocky, bastard. I believe I am a star. Stars shine at night, and that is what I wanna be..but I do admit, I am boring, I stay stuck in routines, I'm a pretty boy, but don't get it twisted, I'm still the alpha male. Irony is my favorite word in the English language, just because of the defintion of the word "the contrast of what it appears to be, and what it really is" that is a great definition for a word. if you read my blogs, obviously I love to rap. I am the best looking rapper alive and if you think that is a misprint, I'll say it again, I'm the best looking rapper alive. href=" JvZmlsZS5jb20v"

Myspace Layouts at / Anakin Skywalker - Image Hosting

My Interests

Bodybuilding, Drawing, Writing and playing Basketball

I'd like to meet:

anyone who wants to do business, meet me or be friends


Rap and Heavy Metal, i.e Kanye West and Black Sabbath


Love Kung Fu films any Bruce Lee, Al Pacino, Robert DeNero and Brad Pitt films


Around the Horn, Pardon the Interuption, Law and Order SVU and House


Jay-Z, Muhammad Ali, Joe Dimaggio, Michael Jordan, Anakin Skywalker, Ronnie Coleman and Spider-Man

My Blog

rhymes part 82

tired of you fuckers wearing your dollar store caps/like they New era caps/my shit is authentic/y'all fake players are pathetic/and even when you try to block/I still give shorty cock/and girls stop d...
Posted by roc 25 on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 04:08:00 PST

rhymes part 81

Score no..81 with this blog like I was Kobe Bryant/you never met anyone so defiant/dog, I don't know you, stop with your idle threats/you fuck wit 25, you fuckin wit the best/now with that out the way...
Posted by roc 25 on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 06:09:00 PST

rhymes part 80

if you read these and don't know what I'm saying, that means I'm on a higher plane/you repeat the same shit I heard, it's not special, just lame/I've been getting down alot recenty/that means a whole ...
Posted by roc 25 on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 08:37:00 PST

rhymes part 79

man, I haven't been writing in a minute/but don't worry ppl, sky is still the limit/I lied, cause i'm the ultimate Star/so high up you can't see me from afar/so you bettter get your telescope/25, more...
Posted by roc 25 on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 07:51:00 PST

rhymes part 78

you know I speak the truth with every breath/Sonny Chiba of rap, I’m a Champion of the death/ppl this week did a lot of talking/sounded like the Peanuts’ teacher, a lot of squakin/no more ...
Posted by roc 25 on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:20:00 PST

rhymes part 77

man, you bitches frontin/like a dude wearing shirt that says "CATSKILL" and you from Hudson/that is real upstate talk/you know where I’m from just by the way I walk/and huney trying to play game...
Posted by roc 25 on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 10:22:00 PST

rhymes part 76

miss you Dad you would of been 55 today/had to show Love, cause i got a lot to say/everyone expects me to date girl that look like Halle/but I go out with girls who look like Rosie/and eveyday I fight...
Posted by roc 25 on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 03:32:00 PST

rhymes part 75 (Valentines Day hangover)

tired of the game, I'm through huntin/tired of the frontin/this girl said she wanted some, so  I invited her by/she fronted, so I assumed she was gay, not bi/stupid, props to the other huney, ev...
Posted by roc 25 on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 04:16:00 PST

rhymes part 74

so I told Vanessa, my roommate might be up watching Anime/she said 'i don't care ba-by/as long as he doesn't watch"/I told her "oh hun, stop"/just my luck he was sleeping/he didn't hear us creeping/to...
Posted by roc 25 on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 08:23:00 PST

rhymes part 73

hitting no. 73 out the park like Barry Bonds/a dime played a game, so unlike Jane I’m not so Fond/so i went out to the bar/you know me, I looked like a damn star/Tims, Tommy jeans, fresh to deat...
Posted by roc 25 on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 09:02:00 PST