cock of the walk.
HELLO I AM CHLOE. i'm 18, and i live in homotown, california, with my bunny, hamsters, and others. i love to eat and sleep, and i have missed out on most of the big events in my life (graduation, puberty, et al) due to my poor grasp of time and space. mostly, i play video games all day and all night, but sometimes, when i have gone near blind from the lack of fluid in my dried-out, seldom-blinking reddened eyes, i draw pictures, using the foreign substances that i wring out of my 25-feet-long pubes every night, like clockwork, at 8:34PM. that's when the magic happens! usually, i draw naked ladies, because i am so used to my own non-celestial, human female body. although sometimes, i draw naked dudes. overall, i just draw what i feel like drawing. and that's about all you need to know. THANKS.
deviantart - y!Gallery - sheezyart