Scott profile picture


Shut up Farva

About Me

I have 2 children both boys. Brayden, Gavin,and my wife Jennifer

My Interests

The wife and kids, going to baseball games (little leage, tee ball, and MLB)


I can listen to just about anything. But at heart I have to say I am a big PARROT HEAD.


Just about anything that does not have Nick Cage in it. That guy has to be one of the worst actors working today. "Con Air" need I say more.


CSI (the original) Smallville, Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, or anything that looks good but I mostly watch movies. Kind of my job.


Nothing with big words, it makes my brain hurt.


Underdog, Mighty Mouse, Captain Caveman, Speed Buggy, and Brainy Smurf (the best smurf)

My Blog

Pirates 3

The long awaited "Pirates 3"     First off it is all of 3hrs. long.  The good thing about it is that it did not feel like 3 hrs.  To me that is a good sign.  Nothing worse tha...
Posted by Capitan on Wed, 23 May 2007 02:49:00 PST

Shrek 3

What can I say about "Shrek 3".  It was not bad, but I think they tried to hard to make it as good as the first two.  The thing that made the first two so good was they put in enough humor f...
Posted by Capitan on Thu, 17 May 2007 02:41:00 PST

The movies I just watched

Lets see.  I started my night by getting to watch the cinematic gem "Delta Farce" staring: Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engval, and DJ Qualls.   I just lost 2 hrs. of my life that I will n...
Posted by Capitan on Fri, 11 May 2007 02:36:00 PST