Ryan profile picture


You keep using that word...I do not think it means what you think it means

About Me

I live and work in Sandersville, Georgia with my wonderful wife, Cristy, and brand new son, Brody. I am the Pastor to Students at First Baptist Church, Sandersville and love my job and all the teenagers that consider me their pastor. I moved from Baton Rouge, LA after high school and graduated from Jacksonville State University in 2002. I would have earned my Master of Divinity this year from New Orleans Baptist Seminary had Brody not been born 12 weeks premature. Since he couldn't wait to get here, his daddy has to wait until December to graduate.

My Interests

College Football (especially LSU, but any good game will do); Golf; Theology; Anything Funny

I'd like to meet:

They guy who invented coffee, can't you tell I love the stuff. Oh yeah, and Paul the Apostle. Why Paul? Well, Paul seems like the kind of guy that got to the point and wasn't always that nice. He proved that being right is more important than being nice. Not to say that being nice isn't good, but there are a lot of nice people, who were wrong, that are in hell.


I'm more of a talk radio kind of guy


The collective works of Chris Farley; The Princess Bride; Shawshank Redemption; Most anything that is a trilogy (Star Wars, old & new; Indiana Jones; Lord of the Rings)


Lost; House; Survivor; Senfield; The Simpsons


Here's were things get tricky...I read alot, mainly because I have to and often because I want to!