Guy Smiley
Punk, Hip Hop/Rap, Disco, Reggae, pretty much anything but Country
Where to start? I'm a film student. I can't just put down anything. It has to be thoughtful. The Princess Bride holds a special place in my heart. So classic. So quotable. Next is Memento. It's what made me want to go to film school. In fact, all of Christopher Nolan's works should make this page. Any movie that can make you think: The Matrix, 'Run, Lola, Run', Fight Club, and The Italian Job. Ok, so I lied about that last one. It doesn't make you think, but dang if it isn't awesome, which brings me to my next category: guilty pleasures. Hollywood Blockbusters. AKA, 300, The Matrix 2/3, Superhero flicks, LOTRs, The Island, anything with big explosions/adrenaline packed sequences. I have no intention of making anything like that, but they are good for dumb entertainment. And lastly, for Ben, Moulin Rouge.
Lost, The Office, Heroes
What? Me? Read? You must be crazy.