I'm Kelzie
Hi & Welcomes
Everything you seen on this page is me. My intrests, my hobbies, my future, my world. I love my friends, my family and my life. I thrive on music and drawing. I love my gorgeous fiance who i'll share my most happiest memories with. I have an addiction for piercings which i have 16 of, and three tattoo's two matching with my guy. I prefere honesty but i don't like people judging before they truely know who i am. I don't like talking about people because it isn't my nature anymore, i've grew up. But i do love talking to people so please don't be shy. ^_^
I'm working in the abfab Osta Hotel in Stirling and i can tell you this, it's SHIT! lol I'm the sexiest barmaid they will ever have and prob the most grumpyiest too lol that was a joke btw... Modelling next month with my sexy girlfriend Leanne so look out for upcoming photos and all the jazz... mwah