playing naked in my house, growth, politics, trans rights, justice, finding the beauty in the simplest thing, looking for hidden treasures in my urban landscape, farmers markets, peoples history, making children hyper, cooking, making "art" whatever that may be to you and having people find my weakness and getting in.
people who aren't plastic are always a plus.
kristen michelle, k's choice, detroit cobras, sleater kinney, patty griffin, radiohead, damien rice, doors, cure, clash, and muse
batman, rebel without a cause, dancer in the dark, harry potter, my life in pink, trainspotting, high art, lilo & stitch, moulin rouge, the color of paradise, run lola run, waking life, slc punk, but i'm a cheerleader, original sin, garden state, closer, match point
queer as folk, the 70's show, medium, law & order, roseanne
stone butch blues, yellow raft on blue water, all families are psychotic, dry, running with scissors, the perks of being a wall flower, comic books
james dean, frida kahlo, francis bacon, cindy sherman, my mom, leslie feinberg, jess pane anyone who stands up for whats right, wonder woman Roseanne!