.::.ii w@n@ m@k3 tiim3 5t@nD 5tiilL.::. profile picture

.::.ii w@n@ m@k3 tiim3 5t@nD 5tiilL.::.

.: *9/2 3*:.

About Me

h3y W@tSup y@lL...?? ThiS iS y@h GuRl C0urtn3y O0th3r w!s3 kno0wn @s c0urt~c0urt o0r Co~c0...Im A v3Ry Do0wn TO0 3@rTh p3rso0n!! i lo0v3 to0 hav3 fun @nd chill WitH mii babii ReLl..mii Family..Friends..EtC.!!...:)~ Im V3ry 3asii to0 g3t alo0ng with...I g3t alo0ng with just abo0ut 3v3yo0n3...1 kno0 @lo0t o0f p3opl3...@nd @lo0t o0f P30pl3 kno0 m3!!! But i o0nly h@v3 a f3w fr!3ndZ cuZ u C@nT TruSt no0 bo0dii Th3s3 daiiZ...I hav3 sum h@t@z buT BuMp Th3m cuZ Th3y JuSt M@k!n M3 mo0r3 kno0wn by Runnin Th3r3 mo0uTh bo0ut m3!!! !n ! muSt B3 A BiG P@rT o0f Th3r3 lif3 & ! kno0 Th3y h@v3 m3 o0n th3r3 mind 24/7...CuZ ! b3 @lL th3y t@lk @bo0ut...I go0 to0 Matoaca high imm@ junio0r...I lik3 go0in th3r3 but itZ just so0 drama fufill3d...If y@h w@nn@ kno0 @ny Th@ng 3ls3 @bo0ut m3 G3t @ m3 o0n [email protected]@aim..o0r [email protected].... ShOuT ouTz To mii bestfriend ShAv0ntA..N...c0juAnA....mii lil sista blurr....Bo0tY..S@mm!3 [email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected] Leslie..Kyrie.. Sh@[email protected] k@[email protected]@[email protected] n 2 AlL mii BoyZ I knO0 O0uT DeRe CuZ iTz To0 ManY to0 namE ...ShOuT oUt To kErmiShA!!! ShEs GoiN ThRu Sum StuFf RiGhT noW n I JuSt HoPe ThAt thA LoRd Is WiTh HeR AnD evErYthInG tUrnZ out AlRiGhT!!!!..LOVE YOU GURL!!!! ...!!
a b 0 u t m e
n a m e:: c0urtney
a g e:: 16
b-d a y:: 3-10
h a i r:: BrOwn..CaRMeL..N AubUrn Red...
s k i n:: LiGhT
e y e z:: I GOT THAT *BLUE*
h e r i t a g e:: CaUCaSion..miXd WiTh aLoT Of ThinGs..AsiAn... InDiAn...etc.
s i b l i n g s:: 5 siStAs...3 brOthAs
p i e r c i n g s:: 8 in muh EaRs
t a t t o o s:: One on muh baCk
Y 0 U R F A V E
f o o d:: lasAgnA..HoT WingZ
c a n d y:: joLly raNCHerZ
m o v i e:: LovE & baSketbAll
t v s h o w:: yo Momma
s t o r e:: macy's..DelliAz
c a r:: I GoTa **CAMRY** BuT A honDa
s e a s o n:: SuMmEr
w e a t h e r:: BrEeZy WiTh ThA Sun
s h o e s:: AiiR OneZ..TimBeRLanDs..StiLlEtTos
i c e c r e a m:: SkrAw-BerRy
m u s i c a:: R& B
l a n g u a g e:: EnGliSh
c o u n t r y:: U.S.A
b e a c h:: NAGS HEAD!!! MIAMI!!! MYRTLE BEACH!!!
c l a s s:: TheAtRe III
p i e c e o f j e w e l r y:: EaRinGs
m e m o r y:: 8-10-06
a c c e n t:: ummm...
d i s n e y c h a r a c t e r:: MiCkEy n MiNnIE MouSe
q u o t e:: u neVa knW What u GoT UnTilLl WhAt you GoT Iz GonE so DOnT EvA TaKe AnyThing FoR Granted!!!
H A V E Y 0 U E V E R
b e e n d r u n k:: yep
s m o k e d:: yeA
s e e n s o m e o n e n a k i e:: DuH
b e e n i n l o v e:: Yep
w i s h e d u p o n a s t a r:: Umm Hmm!!
c h e a t e d:: YeA
s n u c k o u t:: YESSUR
l i e d:: YeP
p u l l e d a n a l l n i g h t e r:: YES MAM
D 0 Y 0 U
h a v e a b f/ g f:: yEa
s m o k e:: nopE
d r i n k:: SumTimeEz
g e t y o u r n a i l s d o n e:: HELL YEAH!! YAH DIG
d y e y o u r h a i r:: Yep
h a v e s e x:: SuMTimEs
b e l i e v e i n g h o s t s:: maYbE
d r i n k c o f f e e:: NoPe
h a v e r e g r e t s:: HELL YEAH
l i k e y o u r s e l f:: yEaYaH
l i k e t o p a r t y:: Yah knW iT
g e t j e a l o u s:: NawWww
A R E Y 0 U
a t t r a c t i v e:: YEP
u g l y:: naW
n i c e:: SuRe
b i t c h y:: HeLl yea
o n m y s p a c e 2 4/ 7:: noPe
a g o o d f r i e n d:: HELL YEA..TOO GOOD
f r e a k y:: WEn i WaNnA b`
0 P P 0 S I T E S E X
e y e z:: Any
h a i r:: DarK
b o d y t y p e:: MuSCulaR
a t t i t u d e:: NiCe
p i e r c i n g s:: EaRs
t a t t o o s:: Dosent MatTer
l o n g h a i r:: DoEsnT MaTtER As Long Its Kept Up
s h o r t h a i r:: SuRe...FrESh CuTs R SeXxiii
g h e t t o:: iF ThAts How They WannA B
p r e p p y:: .....
s k a t e r:: .....
o l d e r:: HELL YEA
y o u n g e r:: NaH
c o l l e g e:: CoSmEtolOgy SchOol Or Law
j o b:: Entreprenuer....Ummm HaiR Or Law
f a v e g i r l s n a m e:: JaZmiRiAh Or AniYa
f a v e b o y s n a m e:: JaYlEn
n u m b e r o f k i d s:: 1 Or 2
R A N D 0 M
l a n g u a g e y o u s p e a k:: wAt Im WriTTin???
w h e r e d o y o u w i s h y o u w e r e:: In PaRAdiSe...if ThTs WhT u WannNa CaL it
w h a t d o y o u w a n t:: A neW Altima 06
w h a t e l s e:: MONEY MONEY MONEY!!!!
p e r f e c t p i z z a:: pePpErOni n ChEeSe
c a n y o u d o a s p l i t:: umm...SumWhAt
d o y o u p r a y:: yEs EvERyDay
h i d d e n t a l e n t s:: heHe itZ a sEeKwEt
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My Interests

T@lk!n o0n th@ pho0n3 wiT mii bo0...CHill3n...P@rTy!n....D@nc!n...R!dD!n O0uT!!!!....:)~

I'd like to meet:

swEEt lay0utsLil [email protected] bRoWn..ju3Lz SanTanA..CaMrOn..Th@ wHoLe DipSeT.. ........... ..... .....


RaP...R& b..hiP Hop..n so0ul wen tha time is RiGht!!!


L0v3 n baSkeTbAlL....mii Favo0riT3


M@k!n Th banD...Yo m@[email protected]@ BoOnDoCks...th3 SimpS0nS...h3y ArnOld...neXt...DiSnEy ChAnnEl...


umm it r3@lly d3p3ndZ on Wh@t...


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This Is Muh best FrienD in Th@ WoRld..We HavE bEen Thru Thick anD Thin And We StiLl Aint Dun..SheS Mii RidE tA diE ChiCk...Till Tha End...we hav HaD TOOO mAnY CrAzE Times Up in Skool And OutSide Of Scho0l ThAt We Will Neva ForGet AbouT..ShEs AlWayZ beEn ThErE 4 Me Wen i nEedEd SumOne To Talk Ta and WeN i nEedEd Advice..Or Wen I jusT nEedEd SuMonE Ta UndersTand...& She knoWs If ShE EvA nEedS n E Thang Im always herE anD i AlWayS WiLl Be...I loVe You ShAvonta...YoU Are Mii BestFriend/Sista...& AinT NoThin Eva guN ChAnge That BeTWeEn Us... My "St. LouiS ChiK" I luV HeR Ta DeAth!!! ShE JeS Lyk Me!!! We ThinK AlIkE, n we BoTh aRe At The SamE mAturAteee..(LOL) level!!!! you AlWayZ bEen Thur 4 Me N we AlWayS HavE Each OthAs Bak!!! We HaVe HaD So0 Many Fun TimES in The PAst Yr And Sum ChangE!!! We HavE BeEn ThRu Mad ISH with FAKE PPL!!! BuT We HAve AlwayZ beeN the best of friends..and we neva let anything cum betWEEn Us!!! I luV Yah So Much N Im AlWayZ Gun Be Here!!! SiStAs 4 All TImmE!!! BlAyA..AkA...BlURrBuRr...AkA...BluRrAliEn....ShE iS LikE A LittLe SiStA To0 Me..WhEnevA She NeEds SomEonE To Lean On..Talk To...0r Wen She NeEds AdviCe Im AlwAys Here FOr Her..We BeEn Thru Sum Craze TimEz AnD We AlL WayZ hAv A GooD Time...ThiS is ThE OnLy PeRs0n i kan realli talk ta thaT GoEs Ta Sko0l Wit Me..WE BEeN CoOl SinCe MiDdLE SchoOl & we GoT Ta Be ReAl Close Wen She Got Ta The Big "MHS"..I'll AlwayZ be here Fa Her No MattA Wat...LuV yaH LiL SiS!!!

My Blog


i just wanted to tell yall to watch out who ur friends are...people are so fake...one minute they ur best friend n then the next minute they not...it is so funny how people will sit there and say...
Posted by .::.ii w@n@ m@k3 tiim3 5t@nD 5tiilL.::. on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 09:49:00 PST

Tired o0f bein treated like this

thank you christina!!!   Ladies if you tired of being treated like "some random chick"BE A QUEEN AND DEMAND RESPECT. YOU GOT TO TEACH THESE MEN. BREAK EM OR BREAK EM. U FIGURE IT OUT. HAH! Repost...
Posted by .::.ii w@n@ m@k3 tiim3 5t@nD 5tiilL.::. on Sun, 15 Jan 2006 03:37:00 PST

R.I.P...... Aunt Katie Mae

Rest in Peace... My Aunt Katie died Thursday November 11th, 2005.... yo0u will never be fo0rgo0tto0n and y0ur in o0ur prayers and yo0ur so0o lo0ved bye many!!!!...  ...
Posted by .::.ii w@n@ m@k3 tiim3 5t@nD 5tiilL.::. on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 12:35:00 PST

~Help me out in This Sit-che-ation~

Have you ever had a chance of being with someone who is in love with you, and you really want to be with them but you tried going with them a couple of times and yall have broken up and you dont think...
Posted by .::.ii w@n@ m@k3 tiim3 5t@nD 5tiilL.::. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST