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About Me

Im a Christian chick who loves God (the Father Son and Holy Spirit). with all my heart. Yes, I go to church and yes, I have lots of fun!!!Im a person that when you meet me i can be pretty shy but when i get to know you i get confidence to start showing the real me. Let's see, people say im picky, Hi maintnance, strict, bold and blunt, stubborn, selfish, and hard around the edges, but when they get to know me they realize i have a warm heart and i genuinely care for others. Thats what matters most. Im a kind of person that is not embarrassed to admit my weaknesses because i know i can change and become a better person (Only with God). Nobody is perfect that is why it is so great to have a perfect God who can work with us and teach us who He really created us to be. Ok, people also say alot of great things about me but i rather everyone know my negatives and find out im a great person for themselves, rather than showing it all off and then them being disappointed that i didn't meet their expectations. But overall im a simple person. New York Life by K.A.M. Central Park by K.A.M.

My Interests

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Anyone who would like to be my friend!

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