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Got a wedding/event question that no one has answered? Ask Rosalind, and maybe she will include it in the next newsletter!!
I am a people person so I guess I am in the right job then. As for people that are in the celebrity circle, it would be nice to have lunch with John Cleese, but I am not holding my breath.
Also....I am MARRIED...and (***shock***horror***awe***) I am very HAPPY.
For those of you still hunting for your better half, I wish you luck and a karmic boost befitting your contributions to those around you.
I am looking to meet people who share my interests...
If you are looking "to talk" and are married and insist on giving me your weight, height, or profession to impress me, think twice before asking me to "chat with you" because I am not looking for any kind, shape, form or type of an online or realtime romantic relationship.....
Those "to talk" requests will be deleted immediatly.
If you want to chat about flowers, food, crafting (wood, metal, glass, papermache or even sewing), writing, publishing, music, the tech industry or call center tech, and you are a guy or girl, I am very happy to be a friend. I have lots of friends that have artistic interests and I love to share creative ideas.
I promote my friends music or musicians that have a lot to offer, the music has no bearing on my relationship or the state of it
If you have any kind of lewid material to post here...or if you are scamming for cutomers to pay by the minute I will not add you as a friend to be linked on my site. PG stuff only for posting folks.
If you are a fellow business owner and want to send a "friend request" please have some manners and send a personal email with it....manners folks...manners...
BTW....if you send me "how to make more money than (fill in the blank)" or send me "how to get a free (fill in the blank)" I will delete the message then delete you from my friends list faster than you can say Erin Go Bragh.
Take care and have a day of random kindness.
Kitten the Corn Cat...
Below is Bells of Ireland's and My Floral Teaching Schedule
The repeating event function does not work here on myspace, but Sues Sewing Studio is EVERY tuesday. Please email me for info. My ICM schedule is not posted. If you are interested in having me come to your company for Cisco's ICM product, email me and I will put you directly incontact with my contract holder as I do NOT teach grey market