Faviq & Ridwan profile picture

Faviq & Ridwan

About Me

To summarise: Ridwan writes, faviq sings, ..and (quoting Russell Peters) " TOGETHER.... we can wholesale ...!"Thank you for visiting us. There's no greater feeling for an artist than to see that their work is appreciated. Making music is very enjoyable by itself, and that is why we do it, but your visits, messages and comments made us really ..... happy. Even if we don't know you .. A smile from a stranger on the street is still a smile.. :)... and it has a power to make my day anytime.We're no way near what you call a Professional Artists. Melbourne has a very vibrant Indo-Malay Music culture and there are just so so so many talented musicians here..(Elmtree, Eva Mendez, Denera, Dexter, Najwa, to name but a few) we can only feel humbled.Faviq's from Serawak, Malaysia and studying at Applied Biology/Biotechnology at RMIT and currently doing an internship and Ridwan's from Jakarta, Indonesia and just graduated from Swinburne and now looking for a career in Robotics Engineering. So music is not our day job although it's undoubtly has a very significant place in our lives.There is nothing remarkable about us individually, .. we are nerds really, and enjoy the simple things in life like a good nap, a good book, and having a good laugh with our friends. Music is such a universal language and if our music could make you smile, reminisce, reflect, or simply help you geth through the day, then that is more than we can ever hope for. :)Enjoy!!*************************************************** ***************2008 UpdateWow.. it's been two years, for those who kept asking us for new songs. All i can say is that I'm really sorry. I don't know if many of you know this, but Faviq & I have been living in seperate countries for the last 1.5 years, each of us doing our thing. 2 years ago, we recorded some songs, performed in our 1st and last gig together and went our seperate ways and have been under the musical radar, living a seemingly normal life. (also, Ridwan got married) If we cross path again in the future, we will definitely work together again. But till then. Individually, we may have some surprises in store in the near future. So, keep your ears open, be alert, and thank you so so much for your support and encouragement.- Ridwan (20/07/08)

My Interests


Member Since: 8/2/2006
Band Website: www.ArtistServer.com/faviqridwan
Band Members: Ridwan Arifin Hasibuan & Awangku Faviq
Influences: Eric Bennet, India Arie, Alicia Keys, Marcell, Maliq 'n D'essentials, Boyz II Men, and whatever comes..
Sounds Like: Ridwan's a Jazz wannabe ... very Jazz for dummies.. Basically very general mainstream pop-ish Jazz influenced by Faviq's Smooth fresh soulfull RnB
Record Label: Usigned .. unless....*hint* *hint*

My Blog

wow, thats a long time

hey to those peeps that still, for whatever reason, still visited this place. This is Faviq here.An update, ive been recently in communicado with a producer in the phillipines, trying to get something...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 07:39:00 GMT

About Song writing

I got a message.. and i replied.. and i realised my reply was like.... a freaking essay.. i thought i'd paste it here..food for thought for those wannabe writers like me.. : ) how do YOU write your so...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 21:57:00 GMT

Dari Mata - Lyrics

Posted by on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 08:19:00 GMT

Faviq Here.

OK , here goes. hey guys, faviq here  just saying hi to all of u who came and visit us. Currently i am kinda free with my own stuff to do. Last i heard from Ridwan, hes comfortable in Adelaide, s...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 07:00:00 GMT

Holy Cow .. look what i found in YouTube....!!!

Presenting.. ZUL F .. from Bruneiiiiiii Darusssalaaaaam...!!!!! Btw, they DID ask for my permission to perform the song, for those who are wondering. (Great Job Bro! Good luck with the debut Album) h...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 21:21:00 GMT

*updated* Where are we now??

Salams people. I must say after a 7 weeks of creating this account i am overwhelmed by some of the visitors emails and messages. Which comes mostly from Brunei. I'm quite surprised. :) .. B...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 20:45:00 GMT

Wonderful - Lyrics & Chords

Posted by on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 06:00:00 GMT

Night Cruising - Lyrics

                                    Night Cruising.  &n...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 01:09:00 GMT

Where to listen or download other songs *Updated*

Salams..Myspace's been kinda crappy lately. Cant seem to upload certain files. However, you can go to www.ArtistServer.com/faviqridwanthere are three other songs there and they are downloadable.
Posted by on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 01:31:00 GMT

10 Days in Summer - Lyrics

                                    10 Days in Summer(Song/Lyrics: Rid...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 08:56:00 GMT