About Me
~♥♥♥♥♥♥"I'm not PeRfeCt♥ My HaIR doesn't always stay in place and I spill a LoT of ThINgs♥ I am very ClumSy and sometimes a little DePResSeD♥ Sometimes I get MaD and tend to yELl and swEAr a lot; and there are those days when NoTHiNg goes my way♥ But then I take a step back and realize how amAzINg this cRAZy, tRAGIc, mAGICAl, aWFUl, bEAUTIFUl life really is♥ I have come to the realization that I like to be iMpeRfEcT♥ It takes a lot to get me doWn because I just EnJoY the time I have and LoVE hard♥ GrUDGes are a waist of perfect haPPineSS♥ I LaUgh when I can and aPoloGize when I should, I try to let go of what I know I can't change♥ I love DeePly and FoRgIvE quickly and try to give everything I can and take cHaNCes because life is too short to be UnHaPPy♥ I try not to be JeaLoUS or show FeaR and I know that you gotta take the gOOd with the bAd♥ I know that people can ForGiVe, but never FoRGeT; so I try not to SaY anything that I will want to TaKe back♥ I have LeARnEd from my MisTakeS and by watching the mistakes of the people I love♥ I have realized that people CHaNgE and things go WroNG; but I have made a vow to LiVe it UP, dRINk it doWn and have no RegREts♥ Life is to ShORt not to make it an AwEsOmE aDveNtUrE♥ I know that SmIliNg through the tears helps EaSe the pain♥ I have TaUght myself to get over heart ache FaSt♥ Because no matter what happens DaY to DAy, life goes on and NOTHING is holding me back from true hAppIneSS"♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥â™