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Another Goal Accomplished!!!

Now I know Wat i want

About Me

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My Interests

You See. I am a striaght to the point type sista! If you cant handle it Dont approach! Naw for real. i'm jus me! Sinitta Washington, no middle name! Yes, I don't do wat everbody else does, neva have neva will! I do my own thing! Folk get mad Cuz i have hair and yet wear tracks! Let me do So! if everythang in my closet aint rocawear or baby phat or apple bottom. Come on i'm grown and got grown folk Bills! you see i'm tryne survive in this world! I dont have time to be in other people's business or drama cuz i got my own to handle! i dont gossip! Well try not to! Cuz everyone know how Suffolk is! I am jus a manager at Hardees, tryna take care of my family! Cuz they are first no matter wat! Yea i ve made a lot of mistakes in the past, and some regrets but that's life! i've fallen into the wrong niggas hands! thinkin something is wat it aint! But who hasnt. Nevertheless, i have grown and now i dont take no junk!!! I dont care wat people say about me cuz no matter wat you do in liife you cant please others! Jus as long as i am happy with myself! Thats all that matters! So 4 any one who has a problem with me either i sais something in the past or did something! I am woman enuf to apologize but get off my back! Erthang is Erthang! Time to grow up and try to make it cuz life is hard!!! U Gotta luv me Cuz i keepz it Real!!!

I'd like to meet:

anyone who is cool and someone to just kick it wit! ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
All u ever wanted 2 know about ''MR BIG SHOT''
Simple Facts
Name: Sinitta
Age: 19
Height: 5'7
Hobbies: Just chillin
brothers or sisters: 2 sisters, 1 bro
Have you Ever
Had Sex: can't tell you that
Gotten High: no
Gotten Drunk: yes
stolen anything: cant remember
been beat up: no
beaten up somebody: yes
Been in love: still is
made somebody cry: yes
have you ever been kissed: yes
have you ever cried from being so happy: yes
have you ever broken a promise u made: yes
have you ever gone skinny dipping: no
have you ever wanted to die: no
Love Life....haha how fucking interesting
Have you ever been in love: still is once again
if so then wit who: my boo boo
ru in love at the moment: yes
does she love you u back: he does
would you ever commit to anybody: only him
you ever cried for a girl: no
do u believe in love at first sight: sometimes
do u believe in that there is 1 person for everybody: yes
how far would u go to prove your love for that somebody: far but not that far
what are your thoughts on love: go for it or you mite lose out
Random shit
wut ru wearing: bra and panties
ever met anybody famous: yes musiq soul child
if so then who: just told you
what ru doing right now: on the computer
what do u think u should be doing right now: studying
do u miss anybody at the moment: yes my boo boo
do u think anybody misses you: yes
things that annoy you
#1: a wining man
#2: a man who listens to everything his boys say
#3: hatin women
#4: a man who want leave you alone
Last time you
last person u kissed: my boo boo
last time u broke somebodys heart: bout a month ago
last time u cried: yesaterday
the future
where do u see urself 5 yrs from now: propbably with my own business
do u believe u will ever achieve ur goals: yes cuz i'm determined
will this make u happy: partial
what is ur dream: just to be stabled
more random shit
do u daydream: yes
favourtie tv show: 106
ru cocky: no
do u talk shit: sometimes
moment u felt the most happiest: when me and my boo started back talkin
moment u felt the most saddest: when we broke up the first time
whats the one thing u thought would never happen to u: house fire
what cd are you in love with: ne-yo
who do you look up to: was my grandmother
favourite song at the moment: hollywood divorce- outcast
hows life: ok but could be better
ru happy wit what u become: not yet
do you fear death: no
do you fear getting hurt: yes
what did u eat today: applesauce
did u buy any clothes lately: yesterday
have u been to the mall lately: yesterday
ru cool: yes
favourite time of the year: summer
the time of the year u hate the most: winter
do u have faith: yes
do u believe in destiny: no
do u always take chances even if u know ur gonna end up getting hurt anyway: yes thats my problem
ur final thoughts on life: life is so screwed up but you got to take control
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whateves on


color of water


havent found one yet
What kind of a girlfriend/boyfriend are you?
Favourite Color
You are warm and loving
When your g/f-b/f thinks you are Heaven sent
Your g/f-b/f thinks your kiss is tangy

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