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***"GIVE US HOPE"!***Just a few days ago, Leo found out that ONE OF HIS SONGS IS GOING TO BE PERFORMED AT BARACK OBAMA'S INAUGURATION THIS TUESDAY MORNING!.... "GIVE US HOPE", written by Jim Papoulis, Leo Schaff, and Regine Urbach, will be performed by the award-winning San Francisco Girls and Boys Choruses on the Capitol steps at 10:00 AM.... Honored, humbled, and truly amazed, here is his revised Myspace page: featuring 6 specially chosen selections - inspirational, timely, and hopefully timeless enough to speak to the spirit of this moment............1. "GIVE US HOPE" - writers: Jim Papoulis, Leo Schaff, and Regine Urbach - is being performed live at the INAUGURATION OF PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA this Tuesday (10:00 AM) by The San Francisco Girls Chorus and Boys Chorus. The version here is by The Young People's Chorus of New York, from the Vital Records CD "Can You Hear" - available on iTunes......2. "LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE" - sung by the legendary Martha Wash - from the "Sounds of A Better World" CD - writers: Jim Papoulis, Leo Schaff and Regine Urbach - available on iTunes......
3. "ANOTHER CHANCE TO GIVE" - the closing track from the Leo "Dime-a-Dozen" CD - writers: Leo Schaff and Regine Urbach......4. PEOPLE TOGETHER" - a song first recorded on the Leo "Dime-a-Dozen" CD , this rousing rendition features the vocals of Charles Bascombe, Jr. - writer: Leo Schaff -- produced by Leo and Jim Papoulis............5. "IS IT HOPE" - writers: Jim Papoulis, Leo Schaff and Regine Urbach - vocal by Odetta, and Phoebe Snow, with spoken word by Geoffrey Holder - from the "Sounds of A Better World" CD - available on iTunes.......................6. "OTHER PEOPLE" - from the Leo "Dime-A-Dozen" CD - writer: Leo Schaff......And more to come in the new year...Many in the New York performing songwriter world know Leo from his live dates ("Leo...with Amura on guitar 2"), and from such songs as "Gone With The Wind", "Artist With A Serious Body of Work", "Reinvent The Wheel", "Trumpets" and so many more...He is currently completing a new CD (or two)...'til then, Hail to the Chief...and DO NOT FORGET THE VETS! (yes, you can read that line twice!)................................*The "Dime-A-Dozen" CD is currently available only at shows, or by mail: check or m.o. for $15 +$2 shipping to FeelRealRecords, P.O. Box 287068, NY, NY 10128................
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