I play keyboards in the band Tragic Fixation. www.myspace.com/tragicfixation. I don't think I could live without my music, it is a driving force in my life that helps me get through the tough days. And I still plan on being a rock star one day.I was born and raised in South Jersey. I moved to Colorado in Sept 2003. I miss alot of things about home (the food, my family) but am glad I moved to Colorado. I get to live in a place where people come to vacation!!! And you can't beat the weather.Some other random thoughts about myself:I am me, and I'll always be me. You can not change me as much as you may want to. I like to listen to great music and I like to write great music (and some not so great music too). I'm into all things dark and spooky. I love gargoyles and mean dragons. I don't like to be betrayed and I hate back-stabbers. I have many acquaintances and few close friends. I wish I had more close friends. Trust is something you earn not something given. It's always sad when you lose a friend. Music does not have to be deep to rock. Cheesy music isn't always bad.I have played at the following Colorado venues:The Gothic Theatre, Cervantes, Quixotes, Andolini's, Herman's Hideaway, The Toad Tavern, The Dark Horse, The Whitehouse Lounge, Club X, McDonoughs Pub, Iliff Park Saloon, Wyatt's Torch, The Rock and Roll Grill.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4