fashion layout @ HOT
OnE oF tHe OlDeSt HuMaN nEeDs Is HaViNg SoMeOnE tO wOnDeR wHeRe YoU aRe WhEn YoU dOn'T cOmE hOmE aT nIgHt. R.I.P Camila Toro My Beloved Mother
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To LoVe Is NoT a StAtE; iT iS a DiReCtion. YoU aRe LoVeD. If So. WhAt ElSe MaTtErs.BuT iF lOvE iS nOt ThE cUrE. It CeRtAiNlY cAn AcT aS a VeRy StRoNg MeDiCiNe.