Sonia & Michael Knudson profile picture

Sonia & Michael Knudson

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About Me

Hi , I am Sonia Knudson and my husband Michael Knudson .I am Deaf and I am still wifehouse and habit clean house never stop lol. My husband said stop. I am stobborn lol. I love it to clean house in my mind music and my heart.I am mother of my daughter and my son in great in my everything in all my life raise them be good kids.that 's Reason I learned alot of my life found a new ways new life with my children and My husband very happy with me because I wanted to clean house. He is very happy with our house are pretty and nice nest,because of I love my husband all my life important.My husband loves me allot of my life forever forever to grow up to old. I love him alot grow up to old all. We'll get together go to heavenly kingdom. My daughter Sariah and now second I have a other baby . smile . We are having fun family and Normal life of culture mormon - Mexican family . We are great friendly family and respect family and friends .

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hey I wanted to meet Angelica Jolie and Brad Pitts so bad that my favorite Star personal both of them smile lol .I'd Like to meet to new friend and welcome my family online . I loves to chat meet to new friends and my family chat me online . I love to chat with my family and new friends and I have few friend online already oops smile .hey I don't believe in who some Drama .Drama is not marital be adult. sorry oh well . I was avoid from my old friend has Drama and too many thing trouble. they lose me . I wouldn't worried about them . they will find out about right to be poliet and be martial Adult .I Love to Meet my heavenly Father is God.He is all-wise and all-powerful—the ruler of the universe. He is also merciful, kind, loving, and just—your Heavenly Father. We are created in His own image (Genesis 1:27). Because you are His child, He knows and loves you as an individual. He has a plan to help His children find joy in this life and return to live with Him when this life is over. Jesus taught that God is “Our Father which art in heaven” (Matthew 6:9). We call God Heavenly Father because He is the Father of our spirits. %Ds your Father, God knows and loves you personally. He wants you to find joy in this life and return to live with Him when this life is over. He has prepared a plan to help you do these things. It is the plan of salvation, a plan of happiness. It offers peace in this life and eternal life in the world to come
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