Drunken BeerBQ Master profile picture

Drunken BeerBQ Master

Welcome to the Sideshow

About Me

I have lived in Vegas for over a year now after living in Michigan almost my whole life except for the stint I had in Alaska when I went to massage school. I am a nationally certified massage therapist but just can't see myself doing that as a career in the coorporate city I live in I actually want to help people not just take their money, I know I am weird. For now I work at the Stratosphere in Vegas and will be going back to school next year to get my degree in communications which I am pretty excited about that. I pretty much work, spend time with my friends and girl, work some more, watch sports, work, and somtime I get a surprise and get to do something else, but mainly I spend a lot of time working and trying to better myself. If you want to know something just ask I'll tell ya.

My Interests

Anything and everything can be interesting at some point in life and you never know what could become an obsession so I like to keep my mind open to new things.

I'd like to meet:

"I'd like to meet anyone and everyone people are what makes the world go round. Contact me at AIM-inkandmetalfreak yahoo-cmc_316"


A little of everything mainly rock and metal but I've been expanding my musical horizons as of late. I really enjoy watching some of the local bands especially the Kincaids if you haven't seen these guys CHECK THEM OUT, flight of the jesus dog, ATSWR, and Purple Nightmare. There are about 10,000 bands I could list here but seriously no one really wants to read that list.


I watch everything from cartoons to comedy(RIP Chris Farley) to horror to documentaries it all depends on my mood at the time but I'm usually up for checking out anything at anytime, so if you know any good movies let me know.


New TV pretty much sucks except for those select shows but I do watch a lot of old shows from back in the day when life was good and and way more simple.


Right now I'm on a huge Dan Brown kick he is my new favorite author other than him I really like Tess Gerritsen and Stephen King but I read a lot of things to learn as many different things as I can, knowledge really is power and I love Power.


NOTHIN' TO LOSE (Rebel Meets Rebel)

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My Blog

Damn what a year already

It's been quite the year already and damn it's just over half over and damn it's going fast as hell. I just wanted to thank everyone out there and you know who you are who have supported my ass over t...
Posted by Drunken BeerBQ Master on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 10:43:00 PST


This is in repost reply to Michael's blog about our evening events last night and some other shit thrown in to: So it's been a while since I have been able to just sit around and drink and party with ...
Posted by Drunken BeerBQ Master on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 03:39:00 PST

I made this a bulletin but i think it should be a blog with a lil extra

You know in the last couple weeks I have been working a lot of overtime and have not really had a lot of time to relax and have time for myself but that has probably been for the best. I worked overti...
Posted by Drunken BeerBQ Master on Sun, 06 May 2007 08:02:00 PST

Decisions Decisions

Aight not that anyone really probably cares but I am a little bored and a little excited: Ok so I never thought my dumbass would live to be 23 I mean hell I used to get drunk all the time do stupid sh...
Posted by Drunken BeerBQ Master on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 07:01:00 PST

Getting things off my mind in the only way I know how

All I have ever knownHas changed in a wayThat makes me wonderIf it can ever be the sameEven as soon as yesterdayWas I the sameMy thoughts wonderIn a way But always come back To you and meI almost wish...
Posted by Drunken BeerBQ Master on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 12:14:00 PST

I forgot how much writing helps me

Changes in ME Each day passes with each nights bloomEach reflection tells me something newI know not what I wasBut only of what I must becomeStaring at onesself for hours on endHoping the gates to the...
Posted by Drunken BeerBQ Master on Wed, 31 May 2006 12:11:00 PST


Well for all you fuckers I saw when I was home it was nice seeing you and oh what drunk times we all had some of us more than others you know who I am talking about........good well maybe not to see t...
Posted by Drunken BeerBQ Master on Wed, 24 May 2006 09:35:00 PST


Dreams were good they kept hopes alive but apparently as of today all the dreams I ever had were for FUCKIN NOTHING...........everything was finally going well and now NOTHING again the story of my da...
Posted by Drunken BeerBQ Master on Sun, 07 May 2006 04:32:00 PST

BusStop story number 2

I can't make this shit up if I could I should be a writer..... So I'm on my way home tonight again on the bus and I get almost to my stop and this dude jumps on the bus and starts arguing with the bus...
Posted by Drunken BeerBQ Master on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 02:28:00 PST

bus stop story

NOT IN ALMA ANYMORE HERE'S THE BUSSTOP STORY   ok so i am on the phone and this guy comes up just laughing really weird so i get off the phone and he starts asking me random questions mind you th...
Posted by Drunken BeerBQ Master on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 02:29:00 PST