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The Epicene

The Vexing Kings!

About Me

The Epicene has always drawn a thin line between an ideal self and a real self. Ryan and Kenneth express their real selves through imitation, mockery, exaggeration, and even forms of protest that have been inspired by actual experiences. It's the ideal of it all that fuels this concept of an Epicene, for the Epicene has already created a look, a sound, a concept, and a message of how they would like to affect those who want to listen.
The Epicene was formed in 2003 after Ryan and Kenneth posed for an art/photograhy project called The Filth Circus. This project reflected semi pornogrpahic imagery of sexual dysfunction, death, and images easily associated with mental illness. It was the recognition that Ryan and Kenneth gained from this particular project that earned them an image that was not easily associated with the norm.
After the Filth Circus was banned, Ryan and Kenneth decided to put their creative energy toward something a little more constructive. The Epicene was exactly what the duo wanted to become. Ryan and Kenneth were raised quite similar in that they were not inspired by men or women, it was an in between existence that in later years reflected their androgyne and their wanting to become The Epicene.
The early days of The Epicene involved Ryan and Kenneth in complete drag, locked away in a candy striped room with enough vodka to kill them. The two worked on songs like 'Anonymous Anatomy' and 'We Only Dream' that would become base anthems for what The Epicene was about to become.
Demos started selling quickly and fan responses were overwhelming for a group that never even played a show. The Epicene then began working on a more lenghty demo that contained three more songs than their first and had a more complex message. The Edification of The Epicene was the band..s first demo. It was simply an introduction to any listener as to what exactly the band was about and their motives. The following demo 'Barbarian Erotica' was far more than a simple introduction.
Barbarian Erotica is a reflection of the sexual dysfucntion that is so common and typical these days among american teens. It mocks and brings attention to how males and females both use sex as a way to make up for ignorance and stupidity. The disc talks about how young adults use sex or the flaunting of certain body parts as the basis of getting attention rather than using a mind or something more impressionable on the world. Songs like 'See Me Now' and 'Conservative Tits' bring attention to the blind ignorance of men and women in todays society in ways that either vulgar for the sake of mockery or more meloncholy for the sake of how sad it all truly is.
Today The Epicene is currently working on new material that focuses more in depth on the dementions of social and psychological situations and the band has become more experimental in terms of sound.
About Vex Music
Kenneth came up with the idea of vexing as a way of describing how it's basically impossible to shock people these days so a level above that is to vex them, or to be more extreme than your opposer. Its about self-expression and releasing personal demons in taking negative or harmful experiences and exercising them in ways that are constructive.
What people dont understand is that there is a lot of positive intention not only behind this cd but behind all epicene work... Ryan and Kenneth have always wanted to make people think differently about the world we live in and our actions as humans. They don't mock or vex out of hostility. Its to reflect the ugliness they see in certain people or things with the intent that people will see that in their work and hopefully change something. But if people react negatively then thats fine too. Its all about reaction.
Ryan und Kenneth - MyVideo

My Interests


Member Since: 2/20/2005
Band Members: Ryan & Kenneth

Influences: CNN, World Dictators, religious fanaticism, Fat girls in tweetie tshirts, testosterone, propaganda, The human zoo, Male and Female roles in today's society, dysfunctional relationships, pecking orders, barbaric activities, ignorance and abuse.
Sounds Like:

Vex Music
Kenneth came up with the idea of vexing as a way of describing how it's basically impossible to shock people these days so a level above that is to vex them, or to be more extreme than your opposer. It's about self-expression and releasing personal demons in taking negative or harmful experiences and exercising them in ways that are constructive.
What people don't understand is that there is a lot of positive intention not only behind this CD but behind all Epicene work... Ryan and Kenneth have always wanted to make people think differently about the world we live in and our actions as humans. They don't mock or vex out of hostility. It's to reflect the ugliness they see in certain people or things with the intent that people will see that in their work and hopefully change something. But if people react negatively then that's fine too. It's all about reaction.

Type of Label: None