I'm 16, 6'3", dont care much about any sort of fashion, find everything amusing, dont hate anyone, make fun of everyone in various ways, and cant take anything seriously. That about covers it i think.
If u want to get hold of me or talk its
(yes i am paranoid of robotstalkers)
make sure to tell me who u r tho or il just ignore u (i might anyway but whatever :P)
RIP Nigel
my survey died, it had AIDS i think... i'll write something new here when i can be arsed.
Gold Medal Winner in...
Three-legged skiing
'What rejected olympic sport would you win gold in?' at QuizGalaxy.com
3 legged skiing, score
The top friends thing is a lie, i havent
changed it cos i hate you all equally! :D
No seriously, i like everyone (except you)
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