..traveling, photography, design, parties.
Matt Sharpe
[ myspace.com/92257941 ]
Kevin Sharpe
[ myspace.com/ksharpe ]
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Nomad Threads
2.04.08 - This is our first update of the new year. We have some good news and some bad news for you. The good news is that we have 2 new styles of t-shirt available. They are for guys and girls and cost $12. The bad news is our hoodies and our other style of new shirts have been delayed because the idiot print company that we placed the order with suddenly went bankrupt so they never printed our shirt. They gave us the excuses for almost two months and have yet to return our money. Stay tuned for hoodies and in the mean time pick up one of our new shirts! Help us recover from being robbed by a deadbeat printshop.
12.31.07 - This year was pretty good. We have A LOT of things on the way. 3 different colors of hoodies [Maroon, Navy, and Black], A fresh new batch of black shirts, Some green shirts, and some blue shirts. Expect a lot in 2008. Happy New Year everyone!
12.18.07 - We recently received our new line of Tree-Man shirts in. They are white shirts with black print and only cost $5! Help us out and pick one up! Oh yeah if you want one get it fast because we only have 2 Super Hero [Black&Purple] shirts left! We submitted artwork for some hoodies and a special edition line of shirts. We have some new stickers and have been selling at a lot of shows at the Internet Cafe.
11.6.07 - We ordered new stickers on Thursday night so keep your eyes peeled for those. Hoodies will be here by Black Friday and we are also re-ordering the black shirts. Now is the time to buy. Nomad Shirts make great gifts. And we'll ship it for free.
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