One day I was searching for some cute tops then realized that I no longer wanted to wear gimmicky cutesy monkey prints or punky bloody skulls, or even some well designed band t-shirts (except for at their shows). I kinda panicked!!! Yeah, well.... I graduated from college. I was no longer working at junior clothing shops, I stopped seeing every single friends’ band play and some of my friends even have KIDS. So all those agonizing thoughts and fears made me go back to creating Q-T-Pie. After closing my semi-serious clothing line "MIEUX", I thought I needed a long vacation from the industry... I hope some girlz can relate to how I feel. We still want to wear edgier looking clothing and "cute but sexy" underwear, but that doesn’t make us look as if "Don't you think you’re over this look?", or, “C’mon, old girl! A new batch of kittens is here". Anyway, Q-T-Pie's design concepts and philosophy are coming from my fears AND my hopes. Thanks for reading. I hope you shop Q-T-Pie goods!!!
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