I recently had some people that was very Dear to me, shall I say through their actions, indicate to others that I was responsible for acts that I had no control over. They also used the excuse that I have friends that they do not like, and did not approve of, so therefore I had to choose! I also get "WATCHED" and "REPORTED" on, not to MySpace mind you, but to other "Friends" and "Loved Ones" so that "Judgements" can be made about me! Can You Imagine!
To me, if a friend or a Loved One is a True friend, they will not be Judge and Jury! They will not listen to the words of others, who could be telling lies in the first place, and if they were true friends, they would go to the person and talk to them. Also a true Friend, and/or Loved one accepts you for your differences, whatever they may be. Instead, these self righteous people believed the lies that were told on me, and dropped me as friends. The excuses used, were just excuses. Everyone involved has skeletons in their own closet, I just did not open my mouth. Even the one who told the lies had spoke about the different people involved to me, and said things to me about THOSE people, but again, I did not stoop that low to run my mouth. God Judges, Not Me!
In any Case, during this time, I have been doing a LOT of thinking. For now, I just get irritated when I get on MySpace. I know its the Devil really working hard at getting me to say and do more than I am now, so I think I need to stay off for awhile. PLEASE, UNDERSTAND! I love You All, I just don't want to say anything more than I have to hurt anyone else. Words can cut! Please do not Drop me friends, I will be back on in a few weeks! Just going to play some games and relax.
Anna April 20, 2008
"I will Be Back" lol
May God Bless.... I Love You All Dear Friends
I was born in 1957 and I have been with Paul for 27 years. I have been Blessed with two Handsome young Sons, who married two Beautiful women, and I now have 6 fabulously FANTASTIC Grandchildren! I Love my family dearly, and they are a great joy in my life. I cannot forget my 4 legged family who lives with me and Paul, who also means the world to us, and gives us a lot of Love and attention! We have 9 beautiful shih-tzus, and 2 Siamese cats that are just like our kids. I love people for who they are, and not for what they are, nor what they believe in, where they are from or going to, and I Love them for what is in their heart! There will be only one Judge, and I am not him! Although several recent events have me making some additional changes here. Although I try to accept people for who they are, I DO NOT condone anything to do with pedophilia! I do not want any friends, any links, NOTHING! NOT INTERESTED! Cannot understand this AT ALL! YOU NEED HELP! DO NOT SEND ME A FRIEND INVITE!!!!!!
I have became disabled and I am now homebound. I very seldom ever leave the house now, except by ambulance. So the computer has became my outreach to meet people. I have made several different types of friends on here, and I Love them all, each one is unique! I Love several different types of music, and I have a wide amount of things that interest me. I love to play jokes on people, and I have a strong faith in God, but I also believe in the possibility of life elsewhere! I also believe in the possibility of bigfoot, ghosts, etc. So am I a freak, a Lunatic, or just plain crazy? lol I don't know. My interests could go on and on, because I am always open to a good discussion on any topic...I don't like being closed minded on anything!
Do you want to have loads of fun? Ever wanted to go to the moon? How about fly a helicopter? Ever thought about skiing down the alps? Only your imagination can hold you back! I have discovered this new site called Meez and it is loads of fun! Ok, so its like playing growing up dolls, or roll playing, or whatever you want to call it! All I know is, You can make a 3 D image of yourself looking like whoever you want, (mine sure doesn't look like me- I would scare everybody off) doing whatever you want. The possibilities seem to grow daily! It sure is a tension reliever! lol lol lol Click Below and Make you One and Try It!Have a Great Day and May God Bless Each and Every One, Anna