A Second Chance a real life drama  This is a story/drama of a teenager named Jimmy, living out of control. Involved with gangs, drugs, family conflicts and violence. Living a life of lies, deceit and turmoil...on the road to self-destruction! He grew up into a man, but it didn't slow him down or change his ways..he just got worse! His family had found a new way of life and tried to share that with him, but he saw it as a sign of weakness.  His friend had also found a way out and tired to tell him  what he had found, how it transformed his life...but before he could tell him what he found, a bullet took his life, a bullet meant for Jimmy. His way of life was catching up with him, he was coming to a dead end in his life, all his problems and burdens that he carried was a weight he could no longer sustain. His demons had finally come to collect their dues.  Defeated, annihilated and destroyed by his sins, his cries for help and deliverance from his way of life was heard by a  Power greater than his, an Almighty Presence Of Hope, Forgiveness, Compassion and Love came to him. Only through a power higher than his could he be saved and liberated. He Broke the Chains That Bound Him and Found True Life!      John 10:10 For I have Come So That You May Have Life And Have It Abundantly
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