This is a wonderful video of the show I'm currently performing in (and yes, I also edited it!)
Now come see the show. It's a wonderful show.
"A Midsummer Night's Dream"
Write Act Repertory Theatre
6128 Yucca Blvd.
Hollywood, CA
Thurs-Sat until October 27th! At 8pm!
All the info at writeactrep.orgI'm a filmmaker, and Black Derby Productions is my company. Simple.
What I do is more far reaching than that.
DEMO REELS: I edit demo reels for actors, directors, and producers. I'm inexpensive, and very good. If you wish to know more about pricing please email me at [email protected]. I am incredibly artist friendly. Here are some samples of demo reels I have done. First the actors.
I've shot and edited weddings in the past. I'm not against doing that again.
What I love most are films. Expressions of emotional turmoil and excitement. Creating stories that are relevant to human emotions and the suffering and changing of a persons soul - I enjoy prodding and poking the human psyche. Any genre really, though I'm drawn to darker fare, Charlie Chaplin remains one of my biggest influences. It's all entertainment though, isn't it?
Film School. I've been there, but the shaping and tooling of my creative mind has been building since I was a child while watching films with my Father. It wasn't until I saw "Bladerunner" that I realized a film could be more than just entertaining, but could create a whole world that envelopes the viewer. That is the sort of film I wish to make. A transport, a shuttle to a place recognizeable, but different - unique. And if it wasn't for my Mother enrolling me in a Park and Rec acting class when I was ten, who knows where I would be today.
I write, edit, direct, and act. My world revolves around the creation of stories in all forms and in all ways. But film is the apex of my passion, and my work shows it.If you'd like to learn more about me, I am my first friend - Phillip.