Anyone who likes any or all of the following: hats with no legs, boas, lakes, kissing in the rain, eating cake in the rain, wine in cartons, making animal noises, tea, muffins, making up words, baking, picking up things off the street (mainly keys, but also chess pieces, photos, jigsaw pieces and homework), white ninja, abandoned hospitals, kangamooses, giruffalos, benches, freckles, poking, scrap books, watching popcorn pop, skipping, cinnamon, bouncy balls, comic strips involving stick men, Swedish pizza, escalators, drag crabs, borks, Swedish pop, Japanese things, polaroid photos, super-8 films, seven-inch singles, compilation CDs, cheap (but nice) shoes, German films from the 60’s and 70’s.....and tiny frogs
That’ll have to do for now. Please do not contact me if you hate all of these things. You are obviously a nazi.