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mmm...:P 'hop-scotch' pudding...:P

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator hmmm...about me...I am a Christian who is learning how to look at the world in a very different way than I ever have before...I am a wife (of 10 years), a mother (to three beautiful children), and a middle school drama teacher (to hundreds of special kids at DRHMS for the past 8 years).

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I like meeting people. I thrive on making new connections--but I really feel like it is more important to MAINTAIN the relationships that I already have...As far as meeting anyone of any celebrity goes, I kind of agree with Regina Spektor in that "People are just people...they shouldn't make you nervous" (Ghost of Corporate Future)...and so, I would be dishonest if I said that I have a "burning desire" to meet any person-just for the sake of meeting someone "famous"...however, if Glenn Close, or Christian Bale, or Edward Norton or Cate Blanchett wanted to come and have dinner with my family and talk to my drama class about stage or screen acting, I would probably really enjoy the experience--and their expertise...

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