Music, Intelligence, Honesty, Beautiful People, Business, Success, Sex, Friendship, Travel, Nature -especially the ocean, Good Eating, Projects / being productive, Goodtimes for sure; playing music, playing shows, going to shows, driinkiing...and more
......... Helene in Paris or at my house
Stoner rock, metal, jazz, disco house, world, ambient, pop, most classics, progressive, psychedelic, punk, R&B, surf, Rock a Billy, funk, new wave, country, folk........I lOVe MusiC fRom: ReFused, Blind MElon, The WArlocks, ATDI, Elliot Smith, Queens oF The StoNe AGe, Nebula, thE rOllINg Stones, FraNk ZApA, MEgADeath, STP, TMV, RuSh, Omar RoDrIgeZ On GuITAr, ThE Hot SNAKes, The BEACh BOYS, mArVin GAye, MuD HonEy, SoNIC Youth, IRon MAiDen, THE DatSuNS, The StroKEs, THe MElVinS,MIlES DAvIS-I NeED My BItChesBREw-, The CURe, MoS DeF, BRMC, DEAD MEadow...LoCAls/Friendlies InCluDe: D'struttErS, Petty Bourgeoisie, Por L'mor De Dios, The ringers, ReD OnioNs, RoLLINg BlAcKOUts, pRAyER CEleste, Detox, ... {TEH LIst ConTinUEs}