we are five guys that love to play music . we have been a band for about twelve months but the name and the band have been around for about three years .severedmind was formed by scott(guitarwizard) and troy the two of us have known each other since birth well troys birth since he is my younger older brother we wrote music together and tried to get this crazy band to move.our success came when we asked chris to join the band as the singer .from there the sky was the limit.after getting chris on board the three of us finished three to four songs together but we still where missing the main piece micky and jerry. after oh i would say about 10 phone calls to them drinking with them at a good friend of ours john(interloc) and the phone call to florida micky jumped on and the five of us have become great friends and now make great music so all the bands that we will be playing with and the bands playing with us WARNING we are rock stars we act like one live like one and sound like one so if anybody gets the chance to see us or hang with us see WARNIG it will be crazy from the start to the finish alot of fun and worth your time and energyMasthead Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!
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