singin dancin TALKIN watchin gigs! music!! i love watchin films!!!hey guys tell me if u get this joke !!!! how do u feel a submarine ful of blonds? Knock on the door!no 1 gets it ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! he he xxxxxxxxx
hmmmmmm johnny depp, nah jus kiddin i neva wanna meet ne 1 famous well apart frm spongebob oh my god wat a leg-end!!! i wanna meet all the lovely people NO MEANIES!!!!!
nethin wiv johnny depp he he he !!!!
tele ur my best friend he he sponge bob ummmm carebears!!! everythin an everythin im easily pleased
wat r they
ThIs iS 1 oF My hErO'S! Iv BeEn besT FrIEndS WiTh tHis 1 4 LiKe 4EvEr! ALtHougH We DnT GeT 2 SeE EaChOtHeR ThAT MuCh anyMoRe i kNoW He Is alWaYs tHeRe 4 Me aNd i wilL ALWAYS Be ThErE 4 hIm! He kNoWs wHeRe 2 cOmE If hE NeEdS Me! ThIs gUy iS ThE OnlY GuY I TrUSt OtHeR ThAn mY DaD An bRoThEr wIv mY LiFe AnD iN AnY siTuAtIoN! I KnOw hE'D NeVeR TelL AnY1 mY SeCrEtS! ItS ImMpOsIbLe 4 HIm 2 LeT mE dOwN! An He StIll LoVeS Me eVeN AfTeR I GavE HIm A BlOoDy noSe HehE! i WoUlD dO AnYtHiNg FoR tHiS GUy AnD I mIsS HiM SoO MuCh! I 3 U! xxxxxxxxxx