Can't Trace Your Fate With A Pitiful Crime profile picture

Can't Trace Your Fate With A Pitiful Crime

About Me


* My name is Christopher and I made up this site in early August 06' to inform anyone willing to learn, about the dangers of internet predators & sex offenders. To me, this is a serious issue as it should be to you as well because of how real this danger is. Please read the information I have on this side of my page & take a look at some missing children just below. Most have been missing since early last year. If you have anything to say regarding my page, please message me; if not, then don't expect me to write you back. Thank you :)
*What is an Amber Alert?
The Amber Plan was created in 1996 as a powerful legacy to 9-year-old Amber Hagerman, a bright little girl who was kidnapped and brutally murdered while riding her bicycle in Arlington, Texas. The tragedy shocked and outraged the entire community. Residents contacted radio stations in the Dallas area and suggested they broadcast special “alerts” over the airwaves so that they could help prevent such incidents in the future.
In response to the community’s concern for the safety of local children, the Dallas/Fort Worth Association of Radio Managers teamed up with local law-enforcement agencies in northern Texas and developed this innovative early warning system to help find abducted children. Statistics show that, when abducted, a child’s greatest enemy is time.
In April, 2003, President Bush signed the Amber Alert legislation making it a national program. While the Amber Alert system is now mandated across the country, some states are still trying to implement the procedures necessary in bringing the alerts to the public. Hampered by outdated Emergency Broadcast guidelines and different activation criteria in each state, the system needs a fair amount of fine-tuning to be optimally effective. Code Amber is on the cutting edge with the technology helping to make that a reality.
*Do you know about
*Or why it was implemented?
In 1995, a convicted child molester was arrested for the murder and rape of 7 year-old Megan Kanka in a New Jersey suburb. The offender lived right across the street from the Kanka residence, however the Police Department was prohibited from disclosing the presence of this child molester because at the time the law did not allow the release of sex offender information to the public.
The law was changed to permit the release of this information to the public and on May 8, 1996, President Clinton signed the law, dubbed "Megan's Law" in remembrance of little Megan Kanka.
The California State Legislature signed California's version of Megan's Law into effect on September 25, 1996. This law was implemented to allow potential victims to protect themselves and allow parents to protect their children.
-Megan's Law & Sex Offender Comunity Notification:
*Megan’s Law allows the States discretion to establish criteria for disclosure, but compels them to make private and personal information on registered sex offenders available to the public. Community notification:
*Assists law enforcement in investigations;
*Establishes legal grounds to hold known sex offenders;
*Deters sex offenders from committing new sex offenses;
*Offers citizens information they can use to protect children from Registered Sex Offenders, child molesters and victimization.
-Sex Offender Registration:
The 1994 Jacob Wetterling Act requires the States to register sex offenders registered of sex crimes against children. Sex offender registration laws are necessary because:
*Sex offenders pose a high risk of re-offending after release from custody;
*Protecting the public from sex offenders is a primary governmental interest;
*The privacy interests of persons convicted of sex offenses are less important than the government’s interest in public safety;
*Release of certain information about sex offenders to public agencies and the general public will assist in protecting the public safety.
*Do you know about Jessica's Law and how much of an impact it has on the locations of sex offenders near schools?
The Jessica Lunsford Act - Jessica's Law
Increase the penalty for lewd and lascivious molestation of a child to life in prison or a split sentence of a mandatory minimum 25-year prison term, followed by lifetime supervision with electronic monitoring.
Increase, from 20 to 30 years, the period of time before a sexual predator is allowed to petition to have the sexual predator designation removed.
Increase sexual predator/offender registration and reporting requirements.
Sexual predators who murder their victims now qualify for the death penalty in capital cases.
Designate failing to re-register as a sexual offender/predator or harboring or assisting a sexual predator/offender a third degree felony.
Require those already convicted of sex crimes to have electronic monitoring for the remainder of their probation.
Require all county misdemeanor probation officials to search the sexual offender registry when a new offender is assigned to them.
Detailed Legislation:
Federal Legislation Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act S. 1086
New Changes to Current Law: General
Full Integration: Fully integrates Megan's Law and the Lychner Amendmentsî into the Wetterling Act.
Expands Covered Offenses against Children: Adds the ìuse of the Internet to facilitate or commit a crime against a minor as one that could trigger registration.
Tribal Lands: For the first time, the sex offender registration law will cover federally recognized tribal lands.

New Requirements for Sex Offenders:
Prior to Release: A sex offender will have to register prior to release from prison or supervised release. Current law requires registration after release. [Dodd bill] Bi-annual Registration: Sex offenders will have to re-register twice a year (every three months for a sexually violent predator) not just once.
Increase of Duration for Periodic Registration: The duration to register for a first-time sex offender increases from 10 years to 20 years and for second offenders and sexually violent offenders for their lifetime. Shortened Time to Comply: Any change of status requiring a registry update (change of address, employment, etc.) must be made three business days after the change occurs ñ not 10 days.
Social Security Number: Social Security numbers will now be a required piece of information that sex offenders must supply to the state registries. However, that information will not be released on state sex offender notification websites. Annual Photographs: The bill adds a mandatory annual update (current law is just once) to the taking of a sex offenders photograph. The state is required to maintain that information as part of their registry.Tracking Devices: Creates a three-year pilot program to help states and local governments outfit sex offenders with electronic and GPS tracking devices. The program will fund a variety of tracking systems and require the Attorney General to study and report on the efficacy of the various technologies and approaches. New Notification Requirements for those Attending Educational Institutions: Requires an individual to notify police when they enroll or attend (current law is just attend) high schools, vocational/technical institutions or higher education institutions.
New State Requirements:
Searchable Statewide Sex Offender Registry: Requires states, not local governments, to maintain a multi-field, searchable sex offender registry. In-Person Registration Requirement: Requires that a sex offender register / update their registry in person at an office designated by the state twice a year. Tracking of Persons in Prison: Provides funding for law enforcement to purchase programs like JusticeXchange to identify individuals currently in jail.
Civil Commitment: Title II (the Dru Sjodin Act) requires state prisons to notify states attorneys whenever high riskî offenders are about to be released, so that states attorneys can consider petitioning the courts for continued confinement of the offender. The civil commitmentî option is available under the law in many states if an individual is deemed a continuing threat to the public safety. Monitoring of Released Persons: Title II (the Dru Sjodin Act) requires states to monitor high-risk offenders who are released after serving their full sentence and are otherwise not subject to probation or other supervision ñ for a period of no less than one year.
Missing Child Reporting Requirements: Section 112 (the Prevention and Recovery of Missing Children Act) requires missing child reports to be input within two hours of receipt. Research shows that a two-hour time frame is crucial to the safe recovery of an abducted child. Prohibits law enforcement agencies from removing a missing person entry based on the child turning 18.
New Federal Requirements: National Sex Offender Registry: Title II (the Dru Sjodin Act) requires the U.S. Justice Department to create a national sex offender database accessible to the public through the Internet. The public web site would allow users to specify a search radius across state lines.
Immediate Electronic Notification to States of a Sex Offenderís Intent to Relocate: Requires the U.S. Attorney General to send out immediate electronic notification of a sex offenders intent to move to a new state once the Attorney General is notified by the current domiciliary state of the sex offenderís intent to relocate.
Model Sex Offender Registry: Requires the U.S. Attorney General, in consultation with the states, to develop a sex offender registry template that can be used by those states that currently do not have such a registry or have a substandard one.
Strict Liability Crime: Makes failing to register or update registry information as proscribed in the Act a strict liability crime. There is an affirmative defense if failure to update information results from uncontrollable circumstances.
Felony: Makes failing to register or updating registry information a federal felony.
Taxpayer and Social Security Information: Allows for the release of taxpayer and Social Security information to law enforcement, when necessary, in trying to locate the sex offender or to verify information supplied by the sex offender.
Immigration Provision: Makes failing to provide sex offender registration information a deportable offense. Releasing Numbers of Sex Offenders to the Public: Requires the U.S. Attorney General to poll states every three months to assess the total number of sex offenders in their registry and to release that information to the public. Study: Requires the U.S. Attorney General to examine ways for law enforcement to do a better job of actively notifying communities when a sex offender moves into their neighborhood.
Bonus Payments: Provides bonus payments to states for complying with this Act sooner than its three-year timeline.
Penalties: Provides a 10 percent reduction in Justice Assistance Grants and certain reductions of Sex Offender Management Assistance Program monies for those states that do not comply.
*Adam Walsh Bill Becomes A Law:
The parents joining President Bush at the White House signing all have one tragic thing in common, the loss of a child. But that hasn't stopped these courageous people from fighting back and doing everything they can to not let other children fall victim to a predator. The Walshes have been a part of this fight since the abduction and murder of their son, Adam Walsh, 25 years ago. And of all the reform John Walsh has pushed for, he says "This may be the toughest piece of child protection legislation in 25 years and a great example of bipartisan politics." It's only fitting that the toughest legislation in 25 years is named in honor of Adam, whose parents have fought so hard for our nation's children.
*Of the 550,000 registered sex offenders nationally, the whereabouts of about 100,000 are currently unknown. The Adam Walsh Act creates stricter requirements for sex offender registration -- to prevent offenders from slipping through the cracks and hurting our children.
*One of the most important features of the bill is the creation of a national sex offender registry that will be available on the Internet. The legislation also calls for stricter prison sentences for offenders who fail to register and keep their information current. The offender will be assigned to one of three tiers; the worst offenders will have to check-in more frequently, and all offenders will have to register in person.
*Some Highlights Of The Bill:
*Establishes a comprehensive national system for the registration of sex offenders.
*Establishes three tiers of sex offenders.
*Requires all jurisdictions to enact criminal penalties for sex offenders who fail to comply with registration requirements.
*Requires sex offenders to appear in person to verify their registration.
*Imposes a fine and/or term of imprisonment for up to 20 years on sex offenders who knowingly fail to register.
*Makes registration as a sex offender a mandatory condition of probation and supervised release.
*Eliminates the statute of limitations for prosecutions of child abduction and felony sex offenses against children.
*Directs the Attorney General to provide technical assistance to jurisdictions to help identify and locate sex offenders relocated due to a major disaster.
*Do you know why it's important for April's Law to be introduced into legislation?
The following is the proposed changes to the U.S. laws;
We, the undersigned, as citizens and registered voters do hereby petition for the passage of laws regulating the maintaining, or promoting, or building or hosting or supporting or sponsoring or being connected in any way to any web site that promotes, encourages, panders, or solicits the sexual exploitation of children. These laws shall apply to private, public or commercial enterprises whether they be individual or corporate.
We, feel that the use of these web sites encourages crimes against children of a depraved sexual nature; that the existence of these sites serves no public or community good or use; that the only visitors of the sites are child predators or potential child predators; that the sites entices, incites or inflames the sick passion of child predators; that the sites present a clear and present danger to our children.
We believe that no Internet service provider, Internet hosting service, Web hosts or any other private, public or commercial service that provide data center space and/or connectivity to the Internet or to any local area network, should be able to legally host or provide any type of service to any individual, web site or organization that encourages sex crimes against children. This includes any web site, service or individual that portray children in a sexually suggestive manner, any support system, web sites, blogs, audio or video service or hosting services that verify and encourage pedophiles to continue with their criminal urges against children and any type of pornography that is digitally enhanced, touched up or otherwise altered to make the individuals engaging in sex acts to resemble children in a realistic manner. We demand that these web sites be made ILLEGAL in the USA for the USA and the global community.
We, feel that because of this danger that the maintenance of a child predator web site is a conspiracy to commit a sex crime against a child and is so grievous in nature that it should be classified as a felony.
We, therefore petition for the following sanctions against these web sites:
1.) All persons involved in these web sites shall pay a fine of $250,000, have all computer equipment seized and donated to a local school,
2.) All persons involved be required to be a registered sex offender,
3.) All persons involved be restricted from access to the internet,
4.) Be sentenced to 25 years; be required to serve a mandatory 5 year sentence in jail followed by 20 years probation.
We, the undersigned, as citizens and registered voters do hereby petition for the passage of the following laws to see all child predators have mandatory sentences that prohibit them from returning to the streets to re-offend. As citizens of the United States, we believe that the sentencing guidelines for those who kidnap, sexually molest and/or kill children, (any personage 17 and under) are entirely too lenient.
April's State Law was enacted because we recognize that those who prey on children cannot be "fixed". Is it a compulsion that even those at the top of the psychology field have yet to truly understand. There is no cure and our children are in eminent danger. We are also tired of hearing about child predators being released back into our streets so that they may re-offend. We believe that just punishment for the following crimes should be as such:
1st degree murder of a child: Will automatically be a capital offense. This will also include any death of a child as the result of abuse and/or neglect. Conviction will result in a minimum sentence of life without parole and a maximum sentence of death.
Child Rape: Mandatory life without parole.
Child Pornography:
1. Distribution: 25 years to life
2. “Simple” possession with no intent to distribute: minimum sentence of 15 years.
This law should be called APRIL’S LAW after April (Deb Rowbury's daughter) who was raped and left with a venereal disease at 6 years of age. Her attacker was convicted but only served 12 months. He spent the next 19 years as a habitual user of pedophile web sites until he was again arrested for raping another child. This time his sentence was only 10 years. He is still no were to be seen on the sex offender registry.
Some Information on how to be safe on here!
1. Never post your personal information, such as cell phone number, address, or the name of your school, or school team.

2. Be aware that information you give out in blogs could also put you at risk of victimization. People looking to harm you could use the information you post to gain your trust. They can also deceive you by pretending they know you.
3. Don't give out your password to anyone.
4. Only add people as friends to your site if you know them in real life, except me because my page is here to teach you something :D
5. Never meet in person with anyone you first met on a social networking site. Some people may not be who they say they are. If you must meet this person, then do so with a group of friends and in a public environment.
6. Think before posting your photos. Personal photos should not have revealing information, such as school names or locations. Look at the backgrounds of the pictures to make sure you are not giving out any identifying information without realizing it. The name of a mall, the license plate of your car, signs, or the name of your sports team on your jersey or clothing all contain information that can give your location away.
7. Never respond to harassing or rude comments posted on your profile. Delete any unwanted messages or friends who continuously leave inappropriate comments. Report these comments to myspace if they violate that sites terms of service.
8. Check the privacy settings of the social networking sites that you use.

9. Set it so that people can only be added as your friend if you approve it.
10. Set it so that people can only view your profile if you have approved them as a friend.
11. Remember that posting information about your friends could put them at risk. Protect your friends by not posting any names, passwords, ages, phone numbers, school names, or locations. Refrain from making or posting plans and activities on your site.
12. Consider going through your blog and profile and removing information that could put you at risk. Remember, anyone has access to your blog and profile, not just people you know.
*Sex Offender/Internet Predator Stats
* The typical child sex offender molests an average of 117 children, most of who do not report the offense.
* About 60% of the male survivors sampled report at least one of their perpetrators to be female.
*Nearly 70% of all reported sexual assaults occur to children under the age of 17
* About 95% of victims know their perpetrators.
*It is estimated that approximately 71% of child sex offenders are under 35 and knew the victim at least casually. About 80% of these individuals fall within normal intelligence ranges; 59% gain sexual access to their victims through, seduction or enticement.
*There are over 550,000 registered sex offenders in the US.
*There are over 100,000 sex offenders that fail to register in the US.
*76% of serial rapists claim they were molested as children.
*Over 40% of male juvenile delinquents were molested as children.
*Only 25% of our children will tell a parent about an encounter with a predator who approached or solicited sex while on the internet and less than 10% report sexual solicitation to legal authorities. Only 1/3 of households with internet access in the United States proactively protect their children and teens by using filtering or blocking software.
*1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys is sexually abused before the age of 18.
*Law enforcement officials estimate that as many as 50,000 sexual predators are on the internet at any given moment.
*There are approximately 1,000 websites offering illegal child pornography.
*It is estimated that 200,000 to 300,000 children are at-risk of sexual exploitation.
*1 in 5 children are solicited sexually while on the Internet
*77% of youths are contacted by internet predators by age 14, and 22% of children ages 10 to 13 are approached.
*89% of youth in Internet chat rooms have received some form of sexual solicitation.
*Only approximately 25% of children who encountered a sexual approach or solicitation told a parent or adult.
*Links To Internet Reports*
* Click here to read a CBS report on the dangers of myspace.
* Read an NBC report about Myspace attracting predators.
* Read a report about two men who enticed underage girls on myspace.(very disturbing)
* Another case involving a young girl being a victim to an internet predator.
* 44 Year old tries to meet up with a 14 year old, through myspace.
* Is Myspace Safer Now?
* Investigators Looking At MySpace, Predators Link
* MySpace not responsible for predators
* MySpace makes new internet safety push
* A police detective shows teens and their parents that they're not as safe on MySpace as they think
* "To Catch a Predator" News Story..
* An 11 Year old Girl Abducted, then Sexually Assaulted.
* Man pleads guilty in child sex sting.
* Police in Maryland searching for sexual predator.
* Myspace will block sex offenders.
* This story makes me feel good and reminds me that with advances in technology, finding missing children has become easier than it ever has been.
* Brief overview of pedophiles on the web.
* Archive of court rulings on Megan's Law.
* Child Sexual Abuse in the News-2006
* Child Abuse News Excerpts from 2000-2005
* Child Abuse News Excerpts from 1997-1999
* Megan's Law: Legislative Updates
* Sexual Abuse Laws.
* A summit regarding child safety.
* A study of sexual victimization recognition and nondisclosure of young adolescents.
* School based research on undisclosed sexual abuse.
* Custody cases protecting children from sexual abuse.
* Child Abuse Law Index
* MySpace Predator Caught by Code
* Boys' MySpace Prank Nets Sex Arrest
* MySpace won't turn over names of sex offenders
* Online predators: Help minimize the risk
* Deleting Online Predators Act of 2006
* Discussion: MySpace and Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA)
* Governors Tackle Online Predators
* "a haven for online sexual predators"
* MySpace Faces a Perp Problem
* MySpace Predator Caught by Code
* 29,000 MySpace Sex Offenders Removed
* List of MySpace Sex Offenders Just In Michigan
* State AGs to MySpace: Turn over sex offender data
* Police in the UK use anti-terror surveillance methods to track pedophiles
* MySpace teams to create sex-offender database
* Study: Sexually explicit photos sought from 1 in 25 online youths
* Protect your children from online predators
* Judge: Jessica Lunsford's killer fit to die
* Dad to child killer: 'My daughter has heard me cry'
* Sect leader indicted on sexual conduct with minor, incest charges
* Ban corrals self-described pedophile
* Officials: Suspect leads police to body of missing girl
* Police: Man Found In Kids' Bedroom Has Predatory Past
* Police want Maddy's mom to 'confess'
* Federal Prosecutor Arrested In Child Sex Sting

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My Blog

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