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About Me

Well, it’s been a while since I have done anything on MySpace but here I am yet again, thinking of random crap to fill this space.Life is a rollercoaster that you have never ridden before. It’s thrilling, scary and you never know what’s going to happen around the next bend in the track. You want to get off but at the same time you know you don’t want it to end. It has ups and downs and sometimes will go left when you’re sure it will go right. All that’s left for you to do is hold on, laugh and scream and see what happens.We all build our own rollercoaster. In the end it takes us exactly where we told it too. If you take time, and try to lay the track in the direction you want to go, that’s where life will take you. You can have as many ups and downs as you want. You can have loops and hairpin turns and no matter what, life will throw a loop in there just for fun. Just remember the story your rollercoaster will tell about your life. Will it be full of surprises, or will it be flat and uninteresting? Will the track be laid smooth and enjoyable or will your life be full of bumps and drops? Think clearly, plan ahead and keep you eye to the future. Most importantly, enjoy the ride!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone i have mad respect for. The list is LONG.

My Blog

Another Day?

Another year older and allegedly another year wiser.  Funny, I don't feel any older, or wiser for that matter&.  In fact, I don't feel any different then yesterday.  Well other then the...
Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 16:27:00 GMT

My "Lost" "Friends"

 Ok... so heres the thing.  I haven't really watched TV for a while.  I have been just WAY to busy to even think about it.  What surprises me is the fact that I don't miss it. ...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 22:17:00 GMT