Chozunn (Re-Al) - Elite - Where are you? profile picture

Chozunn (Re-Al) - Elite - Where are you?

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

This would be the page of Chozunn (Re-Al). And you should already know imma laid back dude with an innovative, creative, and opinionated mind. I hope that by my layout and my music (imeem playlist) you already can tell that i krump.....because i do.....and im bucc.....very bucc. A Writer and a poet, i enjoy expressing myself in indirect rather than direct manners. Through writing, through rapping, through my profile, and recently i've come to enjoy photography. Now i have to get a camera :D. Anyway enjoy my page how it is for the time being because my mood can change at any time.(but imma be bucc for awhile XD)That would be me on the regular but with dancing being a major part of my life, the emotions brought through in my dance forms are also a large part of my life. Whether im krumpin or not i can feel buck. Whether im snappin or not I can be giked. And whether or not im Turfin i can be on that 18 dumby. Im just sayin dont try to limit my personality to a small variety of emotions XD.
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Dark Brown
Hair Color:: Black
Favorite Color:: Dark Purple
Screen Name:: Chozunn
Favorite Band::
Favorite Movie:: I Am Legend....or maybe one of those kungfu movies...
Favorite Show:: Death Note/ Boondocks
Your Car:: Wanting a Chrysler 300 or a 2008 focus
Your Hometown:: Ypsilanti
Your Present Town:: Ypsilanti
Your Crushes First Name:: Ariana
Your Grade:: 10th
Your Style:: Fruity Pebble Punk Rock
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Wish it was flat...but no
Kissed someone in the rain?: Never had the the snow yes
Danced in a public place?: All the time XD
Smiled for no reason?: No reason known to me
Laughed so hard you cried?: Many times
Peed your pants after age 8?: i dont believe may be supressed
Written a song?: Many times, imma artist.
Sang to someone for no reason?: Many times
Performed on a stage?: ...a total of....6 times i think.
Talked to someone you don't know?: All the Time...what is it to "Know"
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: ...girls i like
Made out in a theatre?: Not yet ;)
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: up until it burned down.
Been in love?: several times
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Ariana
Tell you, I love you?: Ariana
Kiss you?: Ariana
Hug you?: Ariana
Tell you BYE?: Q
Write you a note?: Ariana
Take your photo?: Me
Call your cell phone?: Ariana
Buy you something?: i think either Patrick, King or Q
Go with you to the movies?: King, Patrick, Victor and Q
Sing to you?: Ariana
Write a poem about you?: ....dont think ive had that since like 5th grade...but it was Brittany
Text message you?: Jessica
Touch you?: I think Q...No homo, it was a hi five
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: 5 minutes ago (Mar. 26 9:32pm now)
Time you cried?: like....8 months???
Movie you watched?: Awake
Joke you told?: dont remember
Song you've sang?: ...My first love....Smoove and Quann....XD
Time you've looked at the clock?: just now
Drink you've had?: grape drink...XD
Number you've dialed?: Ariana's Cuzzo
Book you've read?: The Golem's Eye
Food you've eaten?: Frosted Flakes Gold
Flavor of gum chewed?: Citrus Peach
Shoes you've worn?: Blue and White S. Carters
Store you've been in?: ...Circuit City
Thing you've said?: "That's too shiny"
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: normal XD
Whistle?: yep
Blow a bubble?: wit spit? yep
Roll your tounge in a circle?: cylinder
Cross your eyes?: nope...lazy eye....DAMN YOU
Touch your tounge to your nose?: nopers
Dance?: Best in my city
Gleek?: nope
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yep
Speak a different language?: not yet
Impersonate someone?: all the time
Prank call people?: not usualy
Make a card pyramid?: nope
Cook anything?: whatever i set my mind to
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: A walrus...XD XD XD
I wish ...: The world wasnt predominatley semi retarded
So many people don't know that ...: I'm their Brain times 2
I am ...: The physical manifestation of greatness
My heart is ...: content
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My Interests

My Main intrest i would say at this point is my music. Listening to music, making music, dancing to music. I Listen to Hip Hop, a lil bit of rock, and some alternative. The dance form that i specialize in is Krump. (see below)Before Krump i Turfed. (See below) This year i also started footworking and rockin off....pretty much all of these styles can be seen below this.Krump

I'd like to meet:

Id like to meet Tight Eyez, Cassidy, J-Slaught Nas, Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West, all da fine girls in hip hop too many to name, Jesus, aaaaand you i guess if u not no asshole and you not more than 1-2 years older den me. I dont get dat shit talkin bout people get'n kidnapped and shit i mean not me! Let a nigga role up dat i dont know in some vehicle talkin bout "Get In, I know you from myspace" or some stuff like dat. MAYNE I'll beat da shit out dat nigga AND take his car, Holla atch choi. But i really aint anxious to meet nobody just sayin WHO I WOULDNT MIND meeting. Got enough friends to go around already.


Hip Hop basicaly. Snap, Hyphy, and Crunk at parties.Of course i like Dj Snowflake shit at parties too. I'm giked most of da time so i like dem at home too. I prefer lyricism based hip hop alot just to listen to unless i just feel giked. Of course i also enjoy my own music once me and my group get startin on some serious recording we are hoping to get signed some time in the earlier days of our career(who isnt though right?). Be lookin out for Re-Al in Y-Town soon. "So Re-al".


I dunno about movies dont watch to many. Like all of the "Black Busters" that ive seen Coming to america, Jungle Fever, Menace to Society. I like some horror films but not too many its rare to find a good one nowadays. The Illusionist is great too...


I like most typical teenage African american shit. Bet, Flavor of love, cosby show at night, fresh prince of belair at night, fight club sometimes, uuuuuuh still like cartoons mostly anime shit. Naruto and one piece is da only goofy ones. Besides that i prefer the More serious anime like Full metal alchemist and Blue submarine. I of course like family guy and all other comedy based cartoons.


I like all fantasy series and most books that deal with social issues. As far as fantasy i like the "Deltora Quest" Series, Bartimus series, Mage Knight series, and The Unicorn Chronicles before they stopped makin em.... I think. Oh and i also like Chronicles of Narnia.Just started with the more political books and books dealing with issues and stuff. Some that I've enjoyed include "Raisin in the Sun", "Way Past Cool", and.... I forgot the name of it.


Jesus, of course for dieing for my sins and being virtually perfect. My dad for being one of my few sources of logical conversation in my world. Tight Eyez for pioneering Krump dancing and being so great at it... thats all i can think of.

My Blog

Windows vista sucks dont buy it vistago to that site and learn the evil ways of vista
Posted by Chozunn (Re-Al) - Elite - Where are you? on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 04:27:00 PST

Opinions: does yours even matter?

The problem with all of you niggas is that rather than come to a valid and true opinion and then telling others about it or for that matter hearing another person that has, you decide that your opinio...
Posted by Chozunn (Re-Al) - Elite - Where are you? on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 02:52:00 PST

Immaturity: what it really means

There are several words that are tossed around In our society (at least the one I see day to day) that are being used completely wrong. One of the most misused is the term Immature or immaturity. Imma...
Posted by Chozunn (Re-Al) - Elite - Where are you? on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 04:07:00 PST

Real talk about random shit

If  you do not like Jeremy Gilmore (me for u dumbasses), then you are problly a dumbass who either1. Doesn't like being corrected because it taps into deep feelings of insecurity and inequity2. G...
Posted by Chozunn (Re-Al) - Elite - Where are you? on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 05:52:00 PST


this is a game called Carnage Blender It's basicaly a click to fight Rpg. Text based its fun to do when you dont have anything else to do and just need something to occupy you while something else loa...
Posted by Chozunn (Re-Al) - Elite - Where are you? on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 02:37:00 PST

Oh and about the whole HOOD thing

BITCH NIGGA DONT NOBODY GIVE A FUCK WHAT MUTHA FUCKIN HOOD YOU ARE FROM. DONT FUCKIN MOVE OUT OF THE HOOD (mind you thats basicaly the goal of every last sane minded nigga in the hood) AND THEN COME T...
Posted by Chozunn (Re-Al) - Elite - Where are you? on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 09:06:00 PST


Posted by Chozunn (Re-Al) - Elite - Where are you? on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 08:32:00 PST

Why are niggas so fuckin retarted?

OMFG!!! I am so tired of people who dont think their thoughts all the way through coming to the false conclusion that i fucking think i know everything. THAT IS FUCKING RETARTED!!! NOBODY FUCKING THI...
Posted by Chozunn (Re-Al) - Elite - Where are you? on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 10:31:00 PST

Most of this is true MOST

FEBRUARY=SMARTSAbstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract.Intelligent and clever. Changing personality.Attractive. sexiest out of everyone.A real speed demon.Has more than one best friend.Temperame...
Posted by Chozunn (Re-Al) - Elite - Where are you? on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 03:38:00 PST

Quotes all of you need to read this and if you dont give me kudos ur an ass

"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet."- Plato So True, i should know "A wise man talks because he has something to say a fool talks because he has to say something" -Plato Which one are you?...
Posted by Chozunn (Re-Al) - Elite - Where are you? on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 06:06:00 PST