L.O.V.E †BAND †Guard †boys †makeup †music †friends †myspace †having fun with my friends cupcakes=P ..
anyone and everyone =]
♥I LiKe AnYtYpE oF mUsiC iM mOrE oF a WatEeVeR "SoUnDs GoOd" PeRsOn ♥Blink182, ♥LoSt PropHeTs ♥a static lullaby ♥a heartwell ending ♥saosin ♥taking back sunday ♥and country ♥flogging molly ♥system of a down
♥disney movies ♥love movies ♥funny movies ♥i love the movie paulie
♥scary movies ♥love movies ♥fresh prince of balair ♥little rascals ♥family guy ♥novelas ha. ♥anything as long as its good
disney books=] magazines
melissa jimenez i cant see myself without her right next to me she is my †♥†partner in crime †♥†best friend †♥†favoritest cousin †♥†one of my heroes she has always been there for me and i know she willcontinue being there i love this girl to deatch!! .. what can i say about this one she is really hard to talk to ... either because she forgets about what were talkigna bout or just because she doesnt listen. Yet again, she is the best friend that anyone could ever ask for shesw there for you wen you cry .. shes the one who hugs u or pulls ur hair and tell you to not cry.. simply an sweet person! Ashlie Mtz. has been my best friend for about 8 years now => whenever i need to laugh all i need to do is stare at this girl for about 2 seconds and im craking up. thru hard times and good times she has proven to be a heartfilled- warming friend she has always been there for me and always gives me money wen i need money at competitions or footbal games i love this ily chick =] rahcel see. is the most swell person in the planet** she is the most awsome stand partner ever! i cant believe after a few long about 4-5 years we are still stand partners. She makes standing in the arc like she said fun, because whenever im angry i turn to her and tell her and together we do things like draw pitures on the track and helps me calm down=], or just talk it out. We are soon to be upcoming piccolo players for next years marching band season. Without her next to me i dont know who would be my partner... but whoever it would've been would'nt really be like her, fun and simply amazing =] Jhon my brother. even thought most of the time we fight i dont think that anyone woulc ever replace him i love him so much and i just cant believe how insane he is. All the things he says cracks me up even without him being in front of me i remember all the shit he says from the night before and it still makes me laugh i love this kiddo so much! elyanne mtz. my other cousin my real one. well i dont know what to say about this one only that shes twisted, loves penguins, herself, and pretty much loves is obssesed with her hair and make up =/