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About Me

Michele Spanghero (Gorizia, 1979) è un artista sonoro e visivo. Ha realizzato esposizioni personali di fotografia e partecipato a rassegne con video, fotografie e installazioni. Il suo interesse attuale è focalizzato sulla musica improvvisata (come contrabbassista) e la sound art attraverso concerti e installazioni sonore.
Ha esposto e realizzato performance audio-visive in vari contesti tra cui All Frontiers Festival, Stazione di Topolò, Miela Theatre, SIGNAL/segnali video, Biennale des artes Numeriques, 404 International Festival of Art and Technology, Haip Digital Art Festival, Sguardi Sonori, Area Sismica, Metelkova, Sajeta, Das Kleine Field Recordings Festival, Homework Digital Art Festival, DobiArtEventi, Orchestrazioni Festival, ShipyArt Gallery, WAT art gallery and contemporary art gallery “Ai Molini”, Portogruaro. Ha realizzato un progetto di documentazione sonora della mostra Cinetica: dalla collezione di Getulio Alviani. Una selezione dei suoi lavori elettroacustici è stata presentata all'Electronic Music festival a Columbus, Ohio (U.S.A.) Nel 2008 ha partecipato ad una residenza artistica a Mooste, Estonia. Ha pubblicato per l’etichetta Dedalus Records i dischi Mimesys, Mimesys Live, Aqvarian, Unsound Zero, Desmodrones e Blind Statement.
Nel 2007-2008 ai festival SIGNAL/segnali video festival (Cagliari, IT), 404 International Festival of Art and Technology (Trieste, IT e Basel, SUI) e Haip Digital Art Festival (Ljubljana, SLO) ha presentato l'installazione video-sonora A Short-lived Fault In The System, lavoro che nasce dal campionamento di un silenzio futurista di Russolo, in cui l’usura della registrazione ha trasformato di fatto il silenzio in rumore. Il progetto analizza l'ossimoro acustico e vi interagisce inserendo glitch digitali, sviluppando così una composizione in cui rumore e suono divengono indistinguibili. Similmente il video deriva dall’analisi dello spettro sonoro attraverso un sistema analogico di disturbi, interruzioni ed errori nel segnale dell’immagine, facendo così del difetto e dell’imperfezione il movente estetico e il tema del lavoro.

Michele Spanghero (Gorizia, 1979) is a sound and visual artist. He has exhibited his photographs and has taken part in shows with his videos, photographs and installations. His interest is currently focused on improvised music (as double-bass player) and sound art in concerts and sound installations.
He has exhibited and offered his audio-visual performances in different contexts including All Frontiers Festival, Stazione di Topolò, Miela Theatre, SIGNAL/segnali video, Biennale des artes Numeriques, 404 International Festival of Art and Technology, Haip Digital Art Festival, Sguardi Sonori, Area Sismica, Metelkova, Sajeta, Das Kleine Field Recordings Festival, Homework Digital Art Festival, DobiArtEventi, Orchestrazioni Festival, ShipyArt Gallery, WAT art gallery and contemporary art gallery “Ai Molini”, Portogruaro. He has carried out a project of sound recordings of the exhibition Cinetica: from Getulio Alviani's collection. A selection of his electroacoustic works has been presented at the Electronic Music Festival in Columbus, Ohio (U.S.A.) In 2008 he has taken part in an artist residency in Mooste (Esthonia).
His discs Mimesys, Mimesys Live, Aqvarian, Unsound Zero, Desmodrones and Blind Statement have been published for Dedalus Records.
In 2007-2008 for SIGNAL/segnali video festival (Cagliari, IT), for the 404 International Festival of Art and Technology (Trieste, IT and Basel, SUI) and Haip Digital Art Festival (Ljubljana, SLO) I've presented the video-sound installation A Short-lived Fault In The System wich is the result of the sampling of a futurist silence by Russolo, in which recording wear has in fact transformed silence into noise. The project analyses the sound oxymoron and interacts with it by including digital glitches, so as to develop a composition in which noise and sound cannot be distinguished anymore. Similarly, the video originates in the analysis of the sound spectrum through an analogue system of jamming, interruptions and mistakes in the image signal, thus turning faults and imperfection into the aesthetic driver and the subject of the work.

A Short-lived Fault In The System
images from the live performance at ShipyArt Gallery (2007)
and the installation at SIGNAL festival (2007)

above: images from translucide solo exhibition at Factory Art, Trieste, 2009
video documentation of the installation: Cinetica:Promenade (2009) at Stazione Rogers, Trieste
images from the installation: Cinetica:Promenade (2009) at Stazione Rogers, Trieste
below: images from the work: Exhibition Rooms (2007-2008)


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