ii-ruTh-ii profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

This is mE:%D%A%D%A *my FavoriTe coLors are sky bLue,pink,whiTe and bLack.. %D%A *hanging-ouT wiT my FriEnds esp. wEn i'm borEd, i aLso lovE 2 "eaT" hahahahaha..Lolz.. ^_^ %D%A *picTure Taking wIt my friEnds and LisTening to mUsic.. ai rEaLLy love mUsic bc0z iT heLps me n0T 2 think bouT my pr0bLemS...%D%A *i'm vEry sEnsiTive and emoTionaL.. GrabE ka himi.. hahahahaha...%D%A *i'm s0o0o0oo0o opEn 2 my FriEnds esp. wEn i have pr0bLems c0z i kn0w thEy undErsTands mE and They are wILLing to heLp and c0mForT me.... *God, my FamiLy, my FriEnds and reLaTives c0mpLeTes mY LifE anD makEs my LiFe w0rTh Living.. *b0yFriEnd?! naH! aLways There 2 givE mE pr0bLems, hearTache, biTTernEsS, s0rr0w, pain and everyThing!.. hahaiz.. *There's n0thing i can d0 ab0uT iT, aLL i havE 2 d0 is waiT 4 s0me0ne wh0 wiLL LovE mE f0r what and wh0 i am.. *i'm noT pErFecT and n0 onE is pErFecT t0o.. i'm a mOody TypE of pErs0n.. (my friEnds knOe daT) hahahaha.. aLways wiLLing to heLp anD LisTen whEnever y0u have prObLems.. n0 hesiTaTiOns.. sOmeTimEs m0 tukar jUd na akOng pagka-chiLdisH..LoLz.. s0o0o0o0o sEnsiTive wiTh thE feELings oF oTher pErs0n and aLsO t0 mysELF.. "iyakin" pjUd keU, haL0s tanan hiLakan Esp. wEn iT c0mes 2 "_______" (sEcreT) hahahaha.. i can kEep sEcreTs jUd evEr!.. I'm traUma in "LOVE" c0z iT reaLLy hurTs --sUckz!-- aLL u can feEL is biTTErnEsS, s0rrow, and s0o0o mUch "PAIN" 8s nEver easy To love bc0z wEn y0u love dErs aLways a risk oF geTTin' hurT.. %D%A%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A Myspace Graphics
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I hav a Question for U by timon13
Name:: ruTh
Birthday:: marCh 27, 1990
Birthplace:: CcMc hOspiTaL
Current Location:: cEbu
Height:: 5'4
Right Handed or Left Handed:: righT
The Shoes You Wore Today:: ruBber shOes
Your Heritage::
Your perfect Pizza::
Thoughts First Waking Up:: -'him'-
Chocolate or Vanilla:: chOcoLaTe
Pepsi or Coke:: cOke
Jordan or Nike:: jOrdan
MacDonalds or Burger King:: nOne
Do you Shower Daily:: yEs!
Do you play an Instrument:: FLuTe
Do you belive in yourself:: nOT reaLLy
Your Bedtime::
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:: nUrse
What country would you most like to Visit:: canada
Your Weakness:: rejEcTion
Do you Smoke:: nO
Do you Swear:: sOmeTimEs
Have you Been in Love:: YeS!
Favorite Color:: sky bLue, pink, whiTe and bLack
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My Interests

EaTing, hanGing 0uT w/ my FriEndS, LisTening mUsic, sLeEping, waTching T.v., picTure Taking wiT my FriEnds, wind0w sh0pping, sTudy usahai (ahehehehe), huna-huna sa mga pr0bLema...


wHerEvEr y0u wiLL g0.c0nsTanTLy.f0r aLL 0f my LifE.HeLena.sTay.prETTy baBy.i nEEd y0u.beaUTy aNd maDnesS.0nLy 0nE.higH.sTicK w/ y0u.my HUmps.d0n'T L0vE u n0 m0re.everyThing you do.ForEver.can'T leT u g0.unFaiThfuL.sTars are bLind.feELing.gUgmang gi-aTay.Inday.Angay naba.n0beLa.bEer.a girL can dream.jealous.


FirsT r0mancE, my b0yfriEnd iS TypE B, fEng sHUi, cL0se 2 y0u, my Sassy girL., bring iT on, i am sam,.iF onLy.finaL fanTasy.