Jack Sparrow profile picture

Jack Sparrow

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am Jack Sparrow... that is I am now, i was once known as Jaques Morgan Hawthorn but it wasn't until my pirate career that i realised to make a living in one's feild they must adjust acordingly, so i changed my name. I now having reasently recovered my ship been making rounds over the sea and am making lucrative business at it, it was recently i met my best friend, Jack O'Spades, a girl yes but the feicest girl and lover that I have come across, with her first mate and twin brother Jake O'Spades they make quite a duo, that worthy of being known as a weasley twins har har, aww goddamnit I stepped on me chips... I swear I just got em too and I stomped right on em!!!! I swear it's the little things like that that tempt me to use this single shot...I am a pirate in fact I am a womanizer and a drinker, I lie cheat and steal but i look dead sexy doing soClick my trearure to veiw Jack's siteaye I stole this... and I intend to keep it so.... ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

black beard... bastard owes me 50 pounds, I've always fancied what it would be to meet a lady pirate... I mea Jacky's great but she's more man that woman... har har but ann boney and mary reed? ehh they were british so they can't have been pretty... and they passed as men... ehh never mind bout them thenGive Jack some love... or a slap, either or is acceptable

My Blog

new instalment

  I stood a breaths distance from the slammed door my nose sighed a bloody relief that I was not closer I went to my pockets and pulled out the piece of paper in my waist coat. Blotting my nose I...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Jul 2005 07:02:00 GMT

the next instalment

Well the morning came after the evening that was susputiously schedualed right before it. But I had no time to ponder this. To the shower! It was there that I pondered the curious evening after paul h...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Jul 2005 09:58:00 GMT

i saw willy wonka

Muahahaha I always hated the east coast until it came to the day Willy wonka was going to come out... I realized the time difference as I woke up to a bowl of coco puffs. Huzzah I shouted with glee an...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Jul 2005 03:32:00 GMT


oops i said it all in the title... well I LOVE YE and 1776 ... they was all pirates... ben stiller whats-is-face had wooden teeth and they were all scoundrels
Posted by on Mon, 04 Jul 2005 10:21:00 GMT

ar be it a slow week i should hope so

ahoy there me beauties how be ye I be a might bitter I'd say me face back to it's ussual look and me beard is half grown back a true blessin it is eh? well this be thursday aye.. right right... hmm w...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Jun 2005 08:38:00 GMT

better... kinda

hallo well i better tell tou all that i'm better and erm I well not all better my face got kinda scratched up. Yea i am a real person haha I know people don't wanna think that but uhhh some say i got ...
Posted by on Mon, 23 May 2005 17:34:00 GMT

Jack is sick and needs a nurse

Poor me... Bloody sickI tell ye... if ye can imagine me curled up in a quilt lookin down right pitiful... then ye'd be half way there. i hate being sick... keeps me from my other two loves seeing ...
Posted by on Sun, 08 May 2005 07:59:00 GMT

allo me loverlies

well I'm hoping all the best and erm also that people out there are even readin this har har I'm a we bit tired today aye, hmmm and i can't remember what i was gonna say arrr... how humiliat'n hmmm...
Posted by on Sat, 07 May 2005 09:29:00 GMT

a new entry...

good day I have had my final check up today and thank god we've gotten rid of that cargo we traded it for rum off the coast of bermuda although the rum has yet to run out the locals seemed very ...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Mar 2005 04:15:00 GMT

mutiny a funny entry

I have been having some problems gathering a crew i do have a few willing volenteers but coming by honest pirates is extreemly difficult. And what's more coming by those honest pirates who do not mind...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Mar 2005 14:11:00 GMT