write me a message before you add me.. do i know you? why do you want to be my friend? just introduce yourself like you would in the real world! RANDOM ADD REQUESTS ARE DENIED FROM NOW ON sorry, don't mean to be cocky or rude or anything, but i can't keep up with all the requests and my friend list got WAY over my head.. and the result of that is that i can only reply (believe me, i reply to all messages, eventually.. have a little patience with me :D) to my friends messages, because if i want to find any of you in my friend list it'll take me one hour.. that's also the main reason why i deleted almost half of my 'friends'.. want to keep my myspace for my friends especially!
I love ALL types of music from hip hop to punk rock to mellow jazzMusic Video: CALL ME WHEN YOU'RE SOBER (by Evanescence)
I could watch "Forrest Gump" 1000 times in a row (&; cry every time)... Same goes for Lord of the Rings... Star Wars (I've always wanted to be a jedi)... *61... Bull Duram (romantic comedy disguised as a baseball movie)... speaking of romance, When Harry Met Sally &; You've Got Mail... and both X-Men (there's no shame in liking comic books)!
I love Sex and the City, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Real World, Entourage, Sopranos, Rome, The Hills, and Star Academy...BUT who needs TV when you have these guys around...lol
Five People You Meet in Heaven... Sex, Drugs, &; Coco Puffs... and anything by Steven King (My Favorites are Dreamcatcher &; the Talisman)oh, yeah, and The DaVinci Code!