PROJECT TUPA profile picture



About Me

Across the entirety of Latin America popular movements are rising to fight for their rights to a decent standard of living, a safe environment, and the preservation of their cultures. Most lack the funds and resources to print their own newspapers. In outlying areas, most don't have computers. Many even lack telephones.TUPA exists to empower the peoples of the Americas and their communities with the tools, technology, skills and knowledge to build and maintain their own means of communication, primarily low power radio and TV stations. PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

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People who want to Help Create Global Community MediaFree Radio Berkeley and Project TUPA (Transmitters Uniting the Peoples of the Americas) are dedicated to bringing community radio and TV broadcasting skills and technology to Latin American barrio, campesino and indigenous communities to facilitate the creation of grass roots, community broadcast stations. Free Radio Berkeley is also developing other community radio projects on a global basis. We welcome and encourage your participation in this endeavor.Assistance is needed in the following areas:General office work and assistance Translation of documents and training material - Spanish, French and Portuguese primarily Volunteer coordination Web publishing Document publishing Documentation with digital still and video cameras Technical illustration and writing Fund raising and Outreach Engineering and design - RF, broadcast engineering and general electronics Electronic construction and fabricationAlso, if you would like to learn basic electronic and assembly skills, we have a volunteer apprentice program to teach you.For further information: Project TUPA, www.radiotupa.orgContact: Free Radio Berkeley E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 510-625-0314 - 12 noon to 8 pm PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment



*Radio Chanul Pom: On Dec 18th, 2003, Radio Chanul Pom began to broadcast. This indigenous community based radio station broadcasts from the heart of the highlands in Chiapas in thr indigenous languages of Tseltal and Tsotsil. Through this radio station the people of Chiapas are able to strengthen their fight for justice and defend their language and cultural identity.*Project TUPA: Project TUPA exsist to empower the peoples of the Americas and their communities with the tools and technology to establish and maintain their own means of communication. Primarily low power community radio and TV stations.*Free Radio: A Documentary: A history of microradio from the late 1980s to the late 1990s.* Build your own Radio Station DVD: A video guide to setting up a micrpower broadcasting station.If you would like to obtain a copy of the videos above contact Free Radio Berkeley at 510-625-0314 or e-mail: [email protected]


A Popular Guide to Building a Community FM Broadcast Station: Seizing the Airwaves: A Free Radio Handbook by Ron Sakolsky and Stephen Dunifer.


People who are not afraid to speak their minds.