.LiL Babie Toy YoRkieS.
.CoCa CoLa iN a caN.
.da danks.
.coLd piLLowS.
.havinG my fEEt ouT of the bLankeT.
no oNe.. i kno enuFF peopLe.. so leave me ALONE! O weLL maybe Chris.teeN.uHHH. & AshLeeeveR sEEn thiS fRom the sky?
ChRis.teeN.uHHH, AkoN, FiFty, THE GaMe, EmineM, AvRiL, the used, DashboaRd, No doubT, madoNNa, AshLee SimpsoN, MaRiaH, MicheLLe bRanch, UsheR, dR. dRe, poisoN the weLL, the cuRe, eRic cLaptoN, TiM McgRaw... o u kno... a LiL of eveRything.
cRueL IntentioNs, cLueLeSS, giRL inteRRupted, LioN King, HaRdbaLL, A MaN apaRt, undeRwoRLd.
DespeRate HouSewiveS, inteRveNtioN, So u thinK u caN Dance?, ExtReMe MakeoveR, LaguNa BeacH, ReaL woRLd, The SimpLe Life, OpRaH, GeneRaL HospitaL, FabuLouS Life, AmeRicaN idoL.
i like danieLLe steeL books.
ChRistina AguiLera.♥