My name is Billy MacLeod and I am currently seeking volunteers for my campaign for Dallas City Council. I am located in District 2 which represents Downtown Dallas, Deep Ellum, Lower Greenville, West End and Victory. I was asked to run in June and for months I have carefully considered the possibility of running for office again and it is crunch time. The most recent Dallas Morning News blog is linked below: =================================
nths-of-mulling-billy.html ==============================
n June they published this blog on the Dallas Morning News website: ==========================================
ano-may-have-company-in-next-years-city-council-race.html ==============================================
the past few weeks I have spoken to dozens of supporters who have asked me to run. So, now, once again, I am seriously considering entering the race for the District 2 City Council seat and I believe this is for a number of reasons: =====================================
========================================================I live near downtown Dallas...South Dallas...it's called District 2. I have been an advocate for many of the neighborhoods in the district for years. I first ran for the office in 2003 against at three term incumbent and I competed and lost. =====================================
========================================================I have fought for Dallas residents on a whole range of issues from Urban Renewal, Economic development, Public Safety, the construction of the Homeless Center, and funding for the Animal Shelter; overall I have spoken before the Dallas City Council over 40 times and now it the time to act.. =======================================
=========================================================In 2007 I ran for Dallas Mayor and competed in the early debates; in total, I debate 22 times. When I left the race, I took a position with the campaign of now Mayor Tom Leppert, and my work on our current Mayor's campaign taught me how to run a local campaign with ethics and integrity. And how to win: ================================
=143449&she=1 =========================================
ecently, I have worked on President Obama's campaign here in Dallas, and as a neighborhood organizer at Texas Campaign for the Environment, and for a forward thinking Prisoner reentry program, and these experiences have taught me allot about both the national and state process and how slow it works. Real change happens locally.. And my election as a delegate for President Obama took me to the stage of the Dallas Convention to speak for the Obama campaign and all the way to the floor of the Texas Democratic Convention. ====================================
nd in October I was interviewed by CNN in my District at the Dallas Farmers Market:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmNFf_Bqb_4 ================
ll of these experiences combined have exposed me to thousands of new voters in the district and around this great city; many of these people have never been involved in local politics, but seemingly, with the election and recent swearing in of President Obama, these local folks are now ready to be counted. I believe the new voter would support a new type of candidate. ========================= =========================================================
I have started to build an organization which will allow me to consider all my options fully. I have met with people about how a winning campaign could be run, and I will have all my paperwork ready to file with the City Secretary if that is my ultimate decision. I am keeping my options open but there is serious pressure to run and some to stay out. =============================================
=========================================================I have never been a traditional candidate, but to win in District 2 it will take a traditional campaign, that takes serious money, and I have rarely accepted public money in any form on my past campaigns. Now I am finding myself exploring the costs of what a strong and effective campaign, to see if it is feasible. It's no small number, and I am not a wealthy man, but competitive politics is an expensive adventure. I need a Democratic Campaign Manager to help me and I will also need volunteers like you to help win this battle. ====================================
=========================================================I believe that no candidate...whether qualified to serve or not, should ever run un-opposed, especially in a local election. I think it is un-democratic. Debate is necessary in any election. Every citizen in the district loses when an un-opposed election occurs. I do not see any solid opposition on the horizon in District 2, my home district, which economically needs serious help. Is such extraordinary times, I do feel an obligation to run. What do you think I should do? ================================
=========================================================I may be a stranger but I am real and I am of a generation that has no representation in politics. Very few people we know can name any leader between the ages of 25 and 40 who is actively leading from behind a microphone in politics.Most people know of none. I am one of those future leaders, and this is my shot at elected office.Will you help me?RFK once said that each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance....he said those words in South Africa, in 1966, to black South African college students; and I believe those words ring true today. So, post any ideas and/or comments, and please let me know what is on your mind. I assure you I will respond in a timely fashion.
===========================================Here are some of my taped speeches on file @ City Hall:
===========================================WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2002, Homeless shelter or Animal Shelter?
===========================================WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 2006, Hurricane Katrina
===========================================WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 2006, Against SUP Process===========================================WEDNESDAY,
MAY 15, 2002 Police need a Pay raise===========================================
WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 2006 Special Use PermitsWEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 2006 Dart/NTTA CorruptionWEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2006 Non Partisan City
===========================================WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 2002, Keep the COWBOYS
===========================================WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2007 RED BLOOD CLUB SUP
===========================================WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 2007 Trinity River Project===========================================WEDNESDAY,
SEPTEMBER 17, 2003 "City Unity"===========================================WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 2003 Homeland Security===========================================
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 05, Hurricane Relief===========================================
WED, FEB 8, 06, Deep Ellum Economic Development===========================================WEDNES
DAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2006 Diversity Matters
Why I am a Democrat in 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCY33rVWez4
DNC Denver Colorado Contest Entry
Fake CNNBC video http://www.cnnbcvideo.com/index.html?nid=q78PeTvmz...
I caused Obama to lose...