Looking hot and being sexy what else. Making friends. Changing my life. Finding my passion. Cooking. Traveling.
Anthony Bourdain. This guy speaks his mind and not a bad chef either. Zhang Ziyi. She is so talented so beautiful and so sexy. Monica Bellucci. Mamma mia. Marisa Tomei. Wow!!! She still got it.
Elevator music. It really depends on my mood from rock and roll to classical. Definitely no country. It's just a bunch of people singing about their sad lives. Come on!!! Get over it and move on.
Wonderwoman. When are they going to make this one?
The Food Network. I love Giada and Italian cuisine. Alton is funny. I like that he explains the science behind cooking.
The Tipping Point. I am reading it now.
ALL WOMEN. The amount of crap they have to put up with in this messed up man's world.