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Web Wolf

About Me

Profile Calendar by Potter and the Order of Phoenix

Add to My Profile | More VideosLet's see...where do I begin? I suppose from the beginning...I was born in a horrid little town in Northern Alberta and raised in a piss ant town in the southern interior of British Columbia. Ok, maybe that's a bit harsh...nah, it's pretty accurate. I still live in the southern interior of B.C. but in a pretty decent city.I'm currently working and am back in University (career overhaul and all that jazz). I like the usual stuff: hanging out with my friends; reading; listening to music; my pets (my puppy Domino, my hamster Gandalf and my two betta fish Dante and Vergil). I live in a cool house with three roommates and have a alright job (actually, it's pretty cool, I get to play with Katanas). I play video games (currently absorbed in World of Warcraft) and like to watch hockey (preferably in a pub). I have a cool nephew who thinks I'm the World's Greatest Auntie (who am I to argue?).I believe in a lot of things but above all I believe in the coexistance between us and wolves. Take the time to educate yourself about these wonderful and majestic creatures. I have an adopted wild wolf pack, the Grapa Pack, whom reside in Poland. Also, spare a few dollars and support a local wildlife organization or zoo...donations go a long way!British Columbia Wildlife ParkNorthwest Wildlife Preservation SocietyNow this is cool...check out this Wolf Webcam !! This is a live feed of the wolves that reside at the International Wolf Centre in Minnesota.I am a Starbucks junkie. I admit it and damnit I love it!I'm an admin on Filter's official message board (come visit us!) and a mod on Army of Anyone's official message board. All and all...I'm pretty average.
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My Interests

I'm basically a geek. Right now it's pursuing my schooling (sciences, water treatment to be specific); I run my own .. union for my favourite video game of all time; I want to learn how to ride a motorcycle (one day I will have my GSX-R) skateboard, snowboard and rollerblade. I love camping too.

I'd like to meet:

Edgar Allan Poe, Nelson Mandella, Ami James, The Rock, the bands that have influenced me with positivity and the will to fight for what I believe in (namely 311, Richard Patrick and Disturbed).


Well, I'm discovering a lot of wicked stuff here (I like to expand my horizons) but here are some of the bands I listen to on a regular basis: Filter, Army of Anyone, Disturbed, 311, Sevendust, Evanescence, Godsmack, HIM, KoRn, The Tea Party, Thornley, Econoline Crush, Moist, I Mother Earth, Alice In Chains, Big Wreck, The Beatles, The Doors, Elvis, Velvet Revolver, Audioslave, Foo Fighters, The Trews, Glueleg, Queen, Barenaked Ladies, 5440, Silverchair, Stone Temple Pilots, Alice in Chains, NIN, Finger Eleven, NIN...


Argh, I'm supposed to remember all of them? Ok, well, lemme see...Prince of Darkness, The Exorcist (the first, the original), Poltergeist (again, the first, the original), Zoolander, The Princess Bride (now who doesn't love that one!), LOTR Trilogy, Akira, The Incredibles, Happy Feet, Open Season, Spaceballs, Office Space, Harry Potter series, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, Indiana Jones trilogy, Shrek, Shrek 2, Pirates of the Caribbean, Death to Smoochy, The Life Aquatic, V for Vendetta, Napoleon Dynamite, The Usual Suspects, Kill Bill vol. 1 & 2...


Prison Break, Miami Ink, CSI, Criminal Minds, Numb3rs, South Park, Family Guy...


LoTR Trilogy, The Wheel of Time series, various manga series, currently reading No Logo and Skinny Dip

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My Visual DNA

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Posted by Canuck on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 10:29:00 PST

Stolen from Ben who stole from Kim....

50 questions I almost guarantee you've never answered Body: Tired of those same old 50 "questions about me" surveys? Well here are 50 I almost guarantee you've never answered. 1. Are any of your toes...
Posted by Canuck on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 07:49:00 PST

Stolen from Scully who "borrowed" from mynti

1. Fallen for your neighbor?Nope2. Made out with just a friend?Yes, though I didn't know that he only wanted to be "just friends" with benefits3. Been rejected?Oh who hasn't?4. Been in love?Indeed.&nb...
Posted by Canuck on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 12:07:00 PST