Travel!!! I want to explore the world, step in and out of neat, strang, glamorous, spotlightissh, and everything you can imagine sight seeing in. I am an on the go kinda gal, but theres more to life then living what is needed but to lift yourself up into and make the best of it. I also am very active, best love of sport I'd put the spot light on BasketBall! Aint nothing going to change that. I also love the outdoors which would involve motorcross and boating! Love it!
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I dig alot of music. I have taste in just about anything!!!
You'd never see me watching much T.V. shows unless that day brings relaxin in, but I am an on the go type of gal, or either much into outdoors life, tryna be busy which i should say, "my life" . If not, movies come at hand instead of shows off the air. :) If needed too, I'd watch 5 o'clock news. lol, maybe that 70's show, but it wore off. oH TELEVISION IS SOME THING AINT IT, BUT LOOK, WE HUMAN AND GOTS TO HAVE TIME TO SETTLE INTO A LITTLE BIT OF THIS AND A LITTLE BIT OF THAT!
?When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.? Jimi Hendrix (American rock Guitarist
My mums and my pop and our Lord!